Monday, January 25, 2010

I'd awaken this morning just before my alarm went off, wishing it wasn't already Monday. Snug under my covers, I willed the alarm not to ring.

*sigh* Mondays are almost always terribly blue.

I've had a good weekend, though not nearly as much sleep as I would have liked.

Instead of going to a classmate's 'Pretty in Pink' houseparty, (where I'd have been, as usual, juice-in-glass, trying hard to fit in with people who're trying to get drunk), I went and played some badminton with friends (something I've always enjoyed but haven't had the chance to do since a long time) on Friday. And met some nice students from Thailand. Also got to catch up with a chinese friend I haven't seen in a while.

Sat evening, at a bible study, I was asked to translate German to English for a friend for the first time in my life! It was hard enough trying to understand it myself, imagine then having to understand fast enough to translate it at the same time. I thought I was horrible, since there are still a lot of words in German which I don't know, but I was told by the German speakers around that I did fine for someone who's only learnt German for 1 year. :) Hee... Needless to say, I was rather happy. I remember the times before when I was so frustrated with myself because I couldn't understand anything around me or express myself at all.

Was a subject in a pretty cool experiment Sun evening that involved lying in a fMRI machine getting my brain imaged while I made some gambling decisions, and walked away after one hour with 32 euros! :) Only won 2 euros (since 30 euros was the capital they gave you to begin with) but it was something looking at my brain in 3-D on the computer. Plus, the experimenters who were doing this experiment were quite friendly; one of them an Indian who'd lived in Singapore for 15 years.

My boss asked me this morning what I thought about the tandem PhD project my Professor proposed. I really liked my Prof's lab, but the lab I am stuck doing my Master thesis in now, I am not so sure. It sounded like my boss wants to have a bigger (the major) piece of the project. She also lamented that my project is progressing very slowly. I mean, hello, what can I do when the lab is still so ill-equipped?!?! Argh!

*sigh* Maybe I should just find another lab entirely. Or, just go home and find a job after this Master thingy (there's a chance I wouldn't feel like coming back end of July after I've gone home). Maybe it's a mistake, thinking of doing a PhD. I am not so excited about research. I just want to get the necessary papers in life so I can move on to something I could be more enthusiastic about. Maybe I don't need that piece of paper. Maybe I am just too tired and hence crabby. I wish I have some answers. Today's not the day to think about my (seemingly bleak) future I guess.

I want to get home and sleep this off. (Just finished day 1 of my repeat in-situ.) But there's this meeting at the house which I am supposed to attend. *sigh* Maybe, hopefully, as the saying goes, tomorrow will be a better day. I hope your day was better than mine.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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