Friday, January 15, 2010

Snow white

A thick whiteness over everything; rooftops, cars, bicycles, the streets (where they didn't shovel or salt), tree branches, everything in sight. And at night, the snow, like a reflector, brightens up the normally pitch-dark walk down the little slope on my way from the lab to the bus stop.

Have you ever looked at how intricately beautiful individual snowflakes are? This winter Ms Mong and I admired them as we caught them on our gloves and the sleeves of our winter jackets, we couldn't help but be astonished. I mean, I've always known they look nice. But have never thought (well, also I have not had the fortune to experience many winters - so far my 3rd) to look at them closely before. I wish I had the ability (and equipment) to photograph them, to capture their short lifespan in a long-lasting image.

Some people abhor winter, because it's cold, and when the snow melts, it turns into yucky greyish puddles. But there's much I love about it; the snow falling from the sky, the picture of the bare tree branches against the grey skies, the feeling of buddling up in the scarf my sister lovingly knitted for me, a hat, a pair of gloves and the down feather jacket from Ms Mong before leaving the house.

I really like the changes in seasons (even if it means having to have clothes for the different times of the year), one of those things I miss when I am back home in good 'ol tropical Singapore. Speaking of home, if any one of my friends are still out there, I am coming back on 8 June, tickets already booked! Yeah, am looking forward to that! Make some dates available for me! I want to see you! ^_^

I sit now, in my first lab, waiting for the Prof to examine the fruits of my labour over the last 3 days (2 tiny slides) under the microscope. At least they have a nice big window in front of the temporary space I occupy when I am here.

I am somewhat relieved that it's Friday. Am feeling worn out, fat, and old. Sigh. I blame it on that time of the month. (Though I also feel fat any other time of the month anyway...) I wonder if I should get out tonight and see some friends, or just hide out in my room and wallow in self-pity. ha, now that second option (which I am more likely to be doing) sounds like fun eh?
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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