Thursday, July 03, 2008
To the June that slipped away
It seems like ages ago since I last blogged. Now coming back to it, I realised I missed the cathartic feel of it.
June flew by in her stifling, sticky heat, catch-you-unaware downpours and perhaps in all the weather madness, gave me a bit of a silly do-what-you-will courage.
I finally cut my hair (as short as I have ever had it for a long long time) and so far have not regretted it (easier to manage, especially during trainings, shorter drying time after washing, less hair loss maybe?) and even received some compliments that it suited me quite well. Some friends think I look very different (but didn't elaborate if it's a good difference or a bad one. hmm...), while others merely commented, 'Your hair just keeps getting shorter eh?'
Had a shopping and eating holiday in Bangkok sometime in the middle of June which would have been rather perfect if someone didn't throw tantrums and pulled a long face when she was tired. (right, Ms Mong? ;p) Ichaya was a fantastic tour guide and Myztika, her sis and Lokman more than great company for this trip! Thanks babes! (oh ya, and hunk! :D)
Last weekend there was the Singapore DragonBoat Festival 2008 where I received my 1st medals in the last major race I'd be taking part in in the near future.
A somewhat consequential decision was made a week before June clip-clapped off on her horses. I wish I could say I'm sure of it but most of it (at least to me, it seems) remains shrouded in a mist of uncertainty, the crossroads in front of me awfully vague. Maybe it'll all clear up soon (I hope) and I'll find out if my choice is the right one for me. I'm lucky my parents and sis have been very supportive. Without them and the friends who pushed me on with their encouragement, this period of time would have been more than stressful. Thank you! ^_^
June flew by in her stifling, sticky heat, catch-you-unaware downpours and perhaps in all the weather madness, gave me a bit of a silly do-what-you-will courage.
I finally cut my hair (as short as I have ever had it for a long long time) and so far have not regretted it (easier to manage, especially during trainings, shorter drying time after washing, less hair loss maybe?) and even received some compliments that it suited me quite well. Some friends think I look very different (but didn't elaborate if it's a good difference or a bad one. hmm...), while others merely commented, 'Your hair just keeps getting shorter eh?'
Had a shopping and eating holiday in Bangkok sometime in the middle of June which would have been rather perfect if someone didn't throw tantrums and pulled a long face when she was tired. (right, Ms Mong? ;p) Ichaya was a fantastic tour guide and Myztika, her sis and Lokman more than great company for this trip! Thanks babes! (oh ya, and hunk! :D)
Last weekend there was the Singapore DragonBoat Festival 2008 where I received my 1st medals in the last major race I'd be taking part in in the near future.
A somewhat consequential decision was made a week before June clip-clapped off on her horses. I wish I could say I'm sure of it but most of it (at least to me, it seems) remains shrouded in a mist of uncertainty, the crossroads in front of me awfully vague. Maybe it'll all clear up soon (I hope) and I'll find out if my choice is the right one for me. I'm lucky my parents and sis have been very supportive. Without them and the friends who pushed me on with their encouragement, this period of time would have been more than stressful. Thank you! ^_^
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congrats on receiving medals all, babe!! fwah!!!
and i'm sure you look totally hot with ur short cut :)
been ages since i spoke to you, but i'm glad u seem to be doing all right. good luck with your "new decisions" that you're taking and i hope everything works out for the best for you.
stay safe babe!
Thank you dear! Thanks for still checking up on this rather stagnant blog! If only you'd start writing again... Then I can catch up on u too. You've been crazily busy with school???
yeah insanely busy. NIE supervisor observing me today. had another observation yday.
just pushing myself to get through today so i can come home and pass out cos i havent been sleeping well. whine whine.
maybe someday i will start writing again and if i do, of cos i'll let u know :) *hugs*
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