Then we saw his reflection in the glass and that spelt the end of our discretion. The couple standing next to us were trying very hard to suppress their giggles too. The newest fashion we are not aware of?!?! Witness the merger of the white-collar (pun intended) and the sporty wear! He was also porting a light blue tie (which he was constantly adjusting, making sure it was in the right place) hidden under his neck and trainers tucked under the seat behind his backpack.
However much I wish I have a swanky sports car with a hunky chauffeur to send me to work instead of having to sweat (like a pig) while squeezing with tons of people on the bus and train, taking over an hour each way, once in a (long) while, the public transport redeems itself by providing occasional comic relief and oh-my-gawd moments. ;p
P.S.: I hope you don't think I'm too mean. It was just too funny not to share. hee.
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