Dear Ms Mong graciously braved the sultry (too close to being unbearable) heat of Singapore's afternoon sun and went to Amoy Food Centre to tapao and deliver lunch for Christian and I. (Thank you! ^_^) There was beef noodles (above left), char kway teow (not pictured) and desserts - yam paste with caramelised pumpkin and gingko nuts (above right, with Christian), sesame and peanut paste and gingko nuts with barley and beancurd skin (both in my hands. see greedy me grinning so happily? :D) and finally the star of the day; durian ondeh-ondeh (below with Ms Mong)!!! In case you were wondering, yes, we were stuffed! haha.

This was rather pricey (at $1 a piece) but worth a try. The skin was soft, with a hint of pandan fragrance and the filling had a real durian-y omphf to it! (for lack of a better descripton. hee.)
(She hunted for the above food following recommendations from ieat - One of my favourite food blogs!)
J'ai faim!
hee, ah oui? Donc, tu dois manger! :D
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