Warm weather (almost 20 degrees! Imagine that!), some studying (don't think I managed to do much of that though), a walk in the forest (cows, horses, bees), a quiet picnic (walnuts from the shell - call me swaku, but it's the first time I de-shelled them myself, oranges, apples - from the trees), a homecooked dinner (by yours truly! :p) , a quirky Japanese animation movie (Paprika), a drink at the bar (Kuckuck). Last Sat in a nutshell. In one word, fantastic! ^_^
Sun wasn't as exciting, but was still good; visited an international church, spoke to my family, baked an apple cake (I'm quite pleased that it's been well-received. :D), had a most yummy chili con carne for dinner (cooked by my dormmate) and then of cos' I tried to study... (whether anything went in, that was another matter...)
Now the pictures can give some details:

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