Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A room with a view

Woohoo, I've been upgraded to a window seat!! haha.

Early last month I was transferred to another team (hence the change of desks). Just in case you were wondering, it was the request of my big Boss. (My little boss and I was summoned into his office via an email one day and he told me then, I had no inkling of it before.) Boohoo, he kicked me out cos' my 2 projects which I worked so hard on turned out to be rubbish... :'( Anyhow it's a good thing cos' I'd be learning new things and actually be working with some cool people. So now here I am, sneaking a few minutes to write while waiting for my homemade lunch to arrive (there, there now, don't be jealous... ;p), with a nice glimpse of the outside world (boy, it looks like it's gonna start raining soon!!). I apologise for my absence. No muse for writing lately and work's been keeping me on my toes in the lab. I started a few drafts (Hong Kong and some other randoms) and they're still sitting there, waiting to be finished. I'd really want to finish them up sometime when I have the luxury of time and energy.

I remember when I used to blog regularly, most times about my weekends and what I did. But I haven't been doing that much and it seems like a bit of a pity since there're some stuff I'd love to write down so I'd remember them. For example the Sun (17 Feb) when I brought my sis and nephew to the zoo. (hee, I especially love the one where they're both asleep on the bus on the way home. :D)

A few dinners here and there with good company and gorgeous food!!! (I have pictures! Though that'll have to wait till I have time to sift through them and put them together - which as usual, will take me forever... hahaha)

Last Sat when a b*tch spoiled my (almost entire) weekend for me (I don't really know her so I don't actually understand why her meaness affected me but let's not talk about this). Grrrr...

Hmm... that's all I can think of right now. Oh ya, I owe S1lvara a meme. I still remember, girl! Will do that soon, promise! hee. And I can't wait to meet up with Myztika and babes to discuss a possible trip to Bangkok in June!! Haven't seen them in what feels like ages!! I miss the twit gang! ^_^

It'll be busy this afternoon. Hope I'll get to eat soon. Will go do some work now. Ciao!

About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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