Thursday, November 01, 2007

The things that make me happy... :)

Food. And training. Quite simple, isn't it? ^_^

In the last month, I've been lucky to be invited for 2 Hari Raya visits, one at my beloved Myztika's place and the other at my esteemed captain's place. And oh my, the food!!! All home-made and so delicious I couldn't stop eating... and eating and eating!

It was really nice to see the Twit gang (and then some for example Miss Anantya!) again. We had a riot catching up over dinner. (As usual Daryl was the great entertainer. :D) Myztika has promised pics coming up, so hang on! :)

I've wanted to write for a while. But work's been rather occupying, surprisingly. I've had a tiny (the tinniest) promotion which meant my job title now has a more euphemistic ring to it. But nothing much on the pay end. Sigh. I suppose I should just be happy that at least my hard work in the past (coming to) 2 years has been recognised some. There's no money to be had in Science anyway, I've always known that. Ok, so the good news is out, now the bad news: yesterday we just had a big meeting with our UK headquarters and it appears that some jobs are going to be at risk from the restructuring. The director has said she's not sure if Singapore will be affected, so we'll just have to keep our fingers and toes crossed and see how it goes. I'm a little worried. Since both my projects have not been working so far, now that one is scrapped for sure and the other is hanging in the balance, I might become redundant very soon... O_o

Well, I'm not going to think about that too much. (yet.) I shall focus on the races this weekend first. Been training hard for the River Regatta lately. An average of 3 training sessions every Sat and Sun. So now I'm more than a little brown. haha. Last night, my girls' team in our last ditch attempt to get our act together, we had our first night training in Kallang. Quite fun. But damn tiring. Especially moving the boat into and out of the waters. Somehow I still don't feel very prepared... *Pre-race jitters* Hope the left shoulder muscle I pulled a few trainings ago won't give me too much grief.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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