Monday, October 01, 2007

Wiser with the years?

Ancient. Like that discarded, worthless antique gathering layer upon layer of dust in a corner of the storage room. Maybe due to sentimentality, it was a bit of a pity to throw out, but without an apparent function and definitely not pleasing to the eyes, it sits, an obliterated existence.

This year's birthday was a quiet one. And I rather liked it that way. (A sure sign of the years, I say. ha.) When I said the only thing I wanted was for our family to sit down and have dinner together on Sun, (The only one time a year when we're together for dinner is Chinese New Year eve, other times we eat whenever we get home since everyone's schedules are different.) mum was very sweet to suggest preparing steamboat for us. I was glad dad was with us too. Because he's not been well (We were all really worried before. But he seems to be getting better now, so it's good.) and thus has not been working since coming back from his 3-month break in his hometown, otherwise, he'd be on the graveyard shift.

My dear sister had wanted to go buy me a cake but because she still had so much reading to finish up before school starts today that I forbade her to go.

Though I didn't get to blow out a candle and make a wish on Sun, I was given a slice each pre and post. Friday afternoon, 2 babes, Lingling and Shabina, gave me a pre-celebration with a slice of cake from NYDC. They even got me to blow out a candle! And refused to share the calories with me...! This afternoon, another 2 precious girlfriends bought me a slice of NYDC cake after they came back from lunch.

Determined to cheer myself up and armed with a voucher that expires that very day, I bought myself a new wallet on Fri evening. Caught a late night movie at The Picturehouse with a friend. An interesting Russian show named 'The Italian'. And lucky us were given free popcorn. ^_^

I skipped Sun morning's training giving myself silly excuses of muscle aches and a considerably-sized bruise cum abrasion on my right side from the training on Sat. I felt a little bad missing the training since the competition's coming up. O_o I'd work harder this week, I promise. [You'll be my witness(es)!]

So thinking, I went back to sleep till late morning. And the rest of the day was spent lounging around. (Eating, watching Jap drama, tv, reading, more eating... haha)

Throughout the day, I was very pleasantly surprised with texts from friends, the ones very close to my heart and many others I hardly get to catch up with. (Thanks to reminders on online social networks ya? hee) I really didn't expect people to remember or know, so, thank you, for making my day. ^_^
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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