Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An odd pairing

Who'd have thought chocolate-coated potato chips (or crisps, if you're English) would be so good?

Big big boss brought back a small box from Japan and placed it in the pantry this morning and I counted myself lucky that I managed to get a taste when I reached it in the afternoon. I've never fancied a blatant mix of savoury and sweet in the same food but this might have just changed my mind. Now I may start to try using those baked goods recipes with fleur de sel (when I can afford some) in them.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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