Monday, June 12, 2006

Tu es mon ami?

M forgot about me, again.

Last Friday, I called him in the office to ask him to let me know when he was leaving for the gym.
Initially I had wanted to hang out with a couple of female colleagues (and not go to the gym) and I told A that but at the last minute, I changed my mind. (can't believe I picked gym over pizza - that's what the girls are doing, chill out at one of their apartments and eat pizza!) So I called M at his desk and he said he'd tell me when he was ready to go. And I sat at my desk and waited. After about 45 minutes (about 7pm, I think), I thought it was really weird that he was so late so I took my bag and went over to their office. There was no one there. I called A and found they were gone about 30 minutes ago. How does one forget a person in 5, 10 or even 15 minutes??? A was still under the impression that I was going to Shab's place so it wasn't his fault. I can't believe that after all the times we've gone to the gym together, M could forget all about my existence. How self-centered can one get? All this while I've treated him as one of my closest friends and I meant nothing at all. I never expected him to be extra nice to me. Only to be treated as one would a friend. And small things as such matter to me.

My eyes started getting hot and I was terribly, extremely disappointed. Both with him and myself.

A tried to speak in his defence. He mentioned the time when he himself had forgotten about me. But that was only cos' I told him over lunch (didn't remind him over the course of the afternoon), and he forgot at the end of the day. Forgiveable. Not in 10 minutes. I shut him up by asking him if he would have forgotten about me after 10 minutes? He kept quiet. I knew the answer; no. A would never do anything like this.

I went to the gym, even less in the mood for working out then I was before. M came by to apologise. My anger dissipated faster than you can say 'floccinaucinihilipilification'. I was upset with myself that I was appeased with a mere 'I'm sorry'. Well, I suppose I forgave him but a few recent events have forced me to look at our friendship in a way I have never thought of before. A's been telling me that I'm a giver. And I reckon M's a taker in our friendship. Along the way I've gotten a little bone-weary. Time to stop for a rest. Maybe it's the end of this journey.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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