Thursday, June 15, 2006

Here fishy fishy...

Last weekend had been quite a crazily, dizzily fun one.

Last Friday after gym the trio (A, M and I) went for dinner in PS's foodcourt and then to Carrefour to pick up some food for fishing the next day. M took a basket and single-mindedly went to get what he wanted while A walked around with me, listened to me exclaim about how horrifyingly expensive European food (yogurt, cheeses, fromage frais etc) are here and basically fooling around. He put the things I wanted in his basket, helped me decide on a cereal, the type of ham and ordered it from the deli for me. So tweeet. So unusual. ha.

Sat's fishing was great, great, great fun! I caught 5. I win in numbers, which was very satisfying, considering the fact that I was the only female on the boat. :D But I didn't catch the biggest fish of the day. Ian, a friend of my boss who also works in Biopolis, had the biggest catch. I was second place on this one. The whole day, there was a challenge between me and A about who would catch the most and he was highly confident that fishing is a guy-dominant thing and he'd beat me. I had so much fun gloating!!! hahaha. He only caught a tiny little guy. I've got pictures of the baby. (I meant the fish, not the boy, though that too is one, a big, cute, spoilt one.)
M didn't catch anything. A was still in good spirits at the end of it but M didn't seem too happy. (M can be quite competitive.) Christian caught a few and a squid. The uncle who drove the boat (very nice man, gave me his personal bait, worms. The usual bait was prawns.) caught some fish and a couple of small stingrays which he put back into the sea. We usually put the small ones back. My boss caught a pufferfish. :)
I also got myself a massive tan, which I'm not quite sure if it's a good thing.

I went home to shower then went out to meet them in Chijmes for England's first match. It was sooo crowded!!! England didn't play very well.

After the match some of us went to a bar (Louvre) for a few drinks. A bought a bottle of champagne even though I've tried to dissuade him. It's too extravagant! Later we split up to various places, some went home, some headed off for a more adventurous night. And that's a story for another day...

Sunday afternoon was dim sum lunch for A. It was quite good. I ate a LOT... Then went home to sleep after. hmm... sounds like an animal I know... haha... The rest of my Sunday spent lounging around at home. Bliss.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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