Thursday, May 25, 2006

Of late, time has been leaving me behind

I'm behind in things I want to do, including updating my rather lifeless blog.

I'll quickly run through my last weekend and work towards this week. (Actually, not like anyone is interested with what I have done. I'm recording this for posterity's sake.)

Now, what was I doing last Friday? Oh, I remember being very tired after gym, went for dinner with A, M and Christian at 'Seafood in a Pan'. (A's and M's name for Fish & Co.) A, M and I were walking along Orchard Road from Someset to go to Wheelock Place, when I 'mentioned' (ok, maybe there was a slight complaint/whine to it) that my legs were threatening to go on strike. To my tremendous surprise, A offered to piggyback me. 'Really?!?!' So I hopped on while M carried A's backpack. :D It was really fun!!! That is, until M menacingly whispered to me, 'Ok, can we stop this now?' Now what business is it of his? I wondered, my just uplifted mood entirely turned around. He's not the one carrying me. If anyone should be embarrassed, it should be A and me, not him. I asked A to let me down. After a bit, M apologised to me for being mean and said he'd have offered to carry me too if his calves weren't hurting him so much from his gym session. 'It's ok,' was all I said, I think.

So anyway, we went for a couple of drinks after dinner before going home.

I was supposed to go for a JC classmate's wedding on Sat but feeling super duper ugly that day so I decided to hole myself up at home (in bed, under my blanket so no one would have to be subjected to the horror of having to look at me) and read. By evening, when I've finished the book I started that day, I was ready to get out of the house (though I was still feeling uber horrendous-looking). I called Christian and he said a few of our colleagues were going to his place to watch a dvd. I really didn't feel up being with a group of people, I merely wanted to hang out for a quiet evening preferably with just one friend. In the end, he convinced me to go so I don't have to stay at home alone. I met Christian for some dinner at Maxwell market and was glad I went cos' I felt better after meeting up with him. Turned out the Claire-s were not coming to watch the dvd but M was joining us.

The Japanese show (Taste of Tea) Christian picked to play was quite a uniquely strange one. (i.e. I've never watched a more weirdly-made show.) It was good, even though there seemed to be no particular ending/goal to the whole story. M fell asleep for a good part of the movie. And for a bit close to the end, I did too.

I didn't do much on Sunday either. Late afternoon, I went for what I was told (by an ex-colleague from Brewerkz) was a cooking demonstration by a French chef but turned out to be mainly a talk about culinary courses in Le Cordon Bleu, a French culinary school. Though I have no intention of paying tens of thousands of dollars to attend cooking classes, I do love food and the salad recipe that was shown by the French chef seemed like something I could try a hand at.

After that I met Christian for dinner at Crystal Jade in Great World City and then met A, M, Zee and Myles to watch Da Vinci Code. The show was not too bad (abhorred Tom Hanks' hair though). And parts of it were different from the book that I thought had no reason to be changed.

Now this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, we went for a Singapore Neuroscience conference. A very small and highly boring one. I didn't get much out of it. I worked my hardest at being attentive in the mornings and only about managed it for the 1st 2 lectures of both days. After that my brain simply shut down from the monotony and refused to restart. I brought along a sketch book on Wednesday and some new drawing pencils I bought and started drawing during the lectures. It's been so long since I've picked up a drawing pencil that I forgot how good it feels. I finished a portrait that day which I'm not too happy with. (My sis agrees my standard has dropped. I used to draw better. A few of my colleagues, not having seen my earlier work, said it was good.) I'm going to attempt the same portrait again (It's part of my parting gift for the boys) and hope I do better this time. *fingers crossed*

Caught X-men yesterday with Christian (was supposed to watch a French show - L'enfant but he got the cinema wrong and surprisingly X-men was on. He really wanted to watch it so even though it was the 1st row, we went ahead with it). I give it 5 thumbs up (if I have 5 thumbs)!!! I really liked it! The story and action were good. Needless to mention, Hugh Jackman was cute! :) Love Halle Berry's hair.

The thrailer of Superman Returns was shown yesterday and that's another movie I'm looking foward to catching.

Sigh. So don't feel like working today. Neither do I feel like going to the gym later. (due to monthly woman affliction) But it's my favourite instructress for spinning today. Sigh. How? Should I go? :(

Weekend, come quick!!!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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