The excess energy last Friday was regrettably short-lived. And, like a furious, erupted volcano, left a huge gaping crater in its wake.
My sis left for England last night. Almost 6 months, the little one will be away from home. And I miss her already. :(
Though I think I could get used to having the room all to myself! ^_^
Hope she'll learn to fend well for herself, alone and far away. Though she's not spolit (a little on the pampered side, yes. :p), being the youngest and living at home meant she had a lot of things paved and prepared for her. Since she knew she got a place in the exchange program, my parents and I were quite worried about whether or not she could take care of herself. Loads of people fussed over her. It was quite different when I was leaving. (My parents said as much.) And from the way I was left to do more or less everything on my own, one could tell. I like to think it's cos they know I'll be ok on my own, rather than that they don't care about me/ love me as much. Think it's time for us to trust in her abilities, let her make her own blunders in life and become more self-sufficient and independent from it all. I also need to learn to be patient like her so I can play with my nephew while she's not around.
Work's occupying the rest of my thoughts/ time/ life at the mo. It'll be a crazy time in the lab for a while.
On a happier note, from reading Myztika's blog, I found out it's World Nutella Day today! My all-time favourite chocolate spread!!!! *Simply thinking of it makes my mouth water* I didn't have time to make anything nutella-y for the occasion. Though the last couple of times (for a good Sat breakfast) I've made French crêpes with nutella and fresh fruits (sliced strawberries, bananas, mangoes), they were oh-close-to-the-real-thing!!! (Sis & A were my guinea pig testers. haha. Too bad I didn't think of taking pictures then. The next time I make them again, I'll definitely do so!) One of the many things I missed about Paris; French crêpes.

Le petit déjeuner avec Nutella
Ahh, gotta go. Meeting an old (sec sch) friend for a light run.
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