Monday, January 15, 2007
Post-new year
It's 2 weeks into 2007 and I've not as yet sat down to a New Year resolution post (or even given it much of a thought). The transition of 2006 to 2007 slipped me by. Not unexpectedly, a lot of last year's still applies this year. (Since when do I ever fulfil my New Year's resolutions?) But I'm taking baby steps towards them... ha. :p
At an 'Objectives for 2007' meeting early last week with my boss, he asked me a question to which I still have no answer yet. 'What do you want for your career?' 'A PhD? (A PhD doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to climb the ladder, he said.) Grow and develop in the company?' Another one,'Where do you see yourself in a year's, 3 years' and 5 years' time?' Sigh. I have no idea. I know I don't want to get to the ripe old age of 30 (which, terrifyingly, doesn't seem very far away) and still don't know where I'm heading. But right now, I'm quite clueless. Living day-to-day without much of a long-term plan to speak of. I turned round and posed him back his 2nd question. 'If you were my age, in my little junior position, what would be your plans?'
I think to figure out this questions shall be the number one (have-to-be-done, no-procastination-allowed) resolution of 2007 for me.
At an 'Objectives for 2007' meeting early last week with my boss, he asked me a question to which I still have no answer yet. 'What do you want for your career?' 'A PhD? (A PhD doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to climb the ladder, he said.) Grow and develop in the company?' Another one,'Where do you see yourself in a year's, 3 years' and 5 years' time?' Sigh. I have no idea. I know I don't want to get to the ripe old age of 30 (which, terrifyingly, doesn't seem very far away) and still don't know where I'm heading. But right now, I'm quite clueless. Living day-to-day without much of a long-term plan to speak of. I turned round and posed him back his 2nd question. 'If you were my age, in my little junior position, what would be your plans?'
I think to figure out this questions shall be the number one (have-to-be-done, no-procastination-allowed) resolution of 2007 for me.
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