Monday, January 09, 2006

I want a fortune-telling crystal ball

For some reason, last weekend, I was feeling terribly bored at home, even though I am usually very contented to stay home and read.

Surprisingly, a colleague called me up Sat evening to ask if I would like to join them for a drink. We went to a Mexican cafe along Clarke Quay area. I was admiring the view across the river and realised how long I haven't been to Clarke Quay or out at night for a drink for that matter. There have been some changes there. New stuff sprouted.

Sun afternoon I had a fright when my sister told me that a maternal uncle whom we are not very close to called to say he is coming over to visit us and specifically asked my sister to tell me not to go out cos' he wanted to talk to me.

I had no idea what he wanted to talk to me about though I suspect some amount of nagging and interrogation about my year in Paris. I was simply not in a mood for entertaining relatives then and I sneaked out to meet a friend to tide the time over.

For the most part of the weekend I was feeling somewhat bottled up and irritable, for what reasons I had no idea. My poor mum was on the receiving end of some of that unknown frustrations and I felt really bad Sun night and apologised.

One thing I learnt as I grew up was how to apologise to my mum. Not an easy task. Considering she hardly spoke to me when I was younger...

Didn't get any Mon blues today. Was quite happy to come to work. (strange, ain't it?) Though traffic was horrendous this morning! Think it's cos most tertiary students start school today.

The only bad thing so far was that I saw someone EVIL (shall not elaborate) at lunch today.

Am going to a gym in the city with a colleague after work this evening (he is really kind to bring me as a guest on his membership). Yours truly is not rich enough to get a membership in one of those 'high-end' gyms on her own. But hopefully this will help start my ball rolling on regular exercise in a gym (an SSC one).

In the meantime, I shall try not to fall asleep while reading papers.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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