Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Spring! *Bo-ing Bo-ing*

oh boy, it's been so long since I've updated... Work has been unbelieveably busy... And I seem to be the only one who has too much to do these days (the other *#%" Chinese people are just sitting on their butts while they ask me to do tis and tat), so, I've decided to give myself a break today and write! :)

The weather is so good today I wish I were somewhere outside instead of stuck in the office/lab! Spring is gorgeous! Flowers blooming everywhere, all kinds of colours! Green, green leaves growing on previously bare branches... Quite so different, Spring and Winter... I love Winter for her snow and Spring for her flowers and cool, yet sunny (jus half the time. The other half, rainy. @_@) weather. People seem to be more cheerful now than in Winter (people were quieter and a little gloomy, like the weather).

A friend, Michael/a.k.a. Wenqin, came for a visit in the Easter week at the end of March and I took a few days' leave to show him around. I was happy he could come visit (one of the reasons being, he brought instant noodles for me and some stuff from my mum. ^_^), though I was worried that I wouldn't be a very good host cos' there are still a lot of places I dun know about in Paris. I showed him around to the touristy places (and had a teeny weeny -heehee- bit of help from some frens here to guide us a little) though there were many more places I wanted to bring him but he was pretty tired and his back gave him problems cos' we walked so much everyday. Hmmm... reminds me that one doesn't walk much in Singapore... Nothing much to see there and it's too freaking hot! O_o I was A-ok with the walking (cos' of the fantastic shopping training over the years in Singapore with the girls! :p) until the day before he left when I could walk no more... Jeez... my legs were so threatening to give out on me... We spent some time at home during meals when the great chef (which is me, by the way, in case you din realise... :p) cooked.

We talked about stuff in Singapore, things that have happened in our lives since I left. We've never talked so much to each other before in our years together (he's my ex) so it was pretty nice to get to know each other in a new light. I hoped he had a good time here. And that he would find his ideal job very soon!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Michael said...

Thanks for housing me and fixing me meals. And the chats were nice..... really more .... quality and as well as quantity. Sharing and truth is what we were missing. And I think thats the most important part of a R/S/ God bless you for your new found beau. He's a nice person. Take good care of yourself and see you when you come back. Bring back wine, choco & desserts..... Miss you ...