Thursday, March 17, 2005

Random notes...

Wish I could write more regularly... There's so much I wanna talk about but there's never much free time at work to write. I should consider getting a laptop so I could write at home... Bear with me now as I try to recall and make random, unconnected notes about stuff...

Was down with a bad bout of diarrhea last Fri... never went to the toilet so many times in one day before... And my stomach twisted at the sight and smell of food... one of the few times I'm repulsed by food... Wonder if it was something bad I ate... But then I didn't eat dinner Thurs night. Hmm...
Thus, was homebound the whole weekend... Felt kinda lonely... Sick in a foreign country where no one really cares...
The good thing is, I didn't eat much other than bread for the past few days so I reckon I might have lost a bit... *Glee!*

Went to a HUGE agricultural fair the Sat before. It was quite fun, me and my fren, Cipi, just went around tasting some of the stuff they had there (like jambon - ham in French, cheese, tomatoes, apples - which were oh-so-sweet!!!) and looked at pigs (they were humongous!!!), goats, sheep, chickens... And we bought quite a bit of cheese... *Yummeh!*

I love walking along the streets of Paris when the weather is good... 2 Sats before, my frens and I were supposed to go ice-skating but the rink was closed. So, me and Cipi decided to go for a bit of window shopping. We walked around for a bit when I saw a candy shop, and I just had to go in! So, we came out with a lollipop each. :) I had a banana one and he had an orange one. It wasn't Chuppa Chups (is tis how it's spelt?), it seemed like it was homemade... *Yum* Hafn't had a lollipop in a while. Felt like a kid that day, walking around with a lollipop in my mouth. ^_^ When we felt a little tired and cold, we went for a coffee at Starbucks - there aren't many around in Paris and Cipi has never heard of it... But it seemed quite popular cos' there were many people inside. It was nice, having warm coffee when it's cold. I added milk and cinnamon power in my expresso, totally unconventional and not right but it was good... :) He tried my coffee and he liked it so I told him he could add milk and cinnamon power to his tea too and see if it's good. And cinnamon tea turned out quite nice. :) Thanks to me and my brillant idea! :p

I never mentioned tat in Paris, dogs are allowed everywhere, did I? And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere! The malls, the metro (like our MRT), buses, trains, cafes, restaurants, etcetera, etcetera... And they even bring their dogs with them when they go for holidays! Parisians simply love their dogs! Not to mention letting them poo everywhere and not picking up after them. But tat I believe I've mentioned. :)
I really like dogs, especially the big ones (oh and most of the dogs tat I've seen people bring out around here are big dogs. Some are sooooo huge!) so it's ok for me to have one just next to me on the metro. But I was quite surprised at first when I saw their owners bring them on the metro, the malls... But for girls who would start screaming at the sight of a dog, I would advise them not to come to Paris. Or if they do, don't take public transport. O_o

Had a long walk along River Seine with Cipi yesterday evening, simply chatted and walked and walked and walked... Didn't realize before that the old city is also really magnificent at night. We were both quite famished at the end of the night (didn't eat dinner when we met) and were looking for a place to buy some sandwiches when I spotted Subway in a corner! I was really excited cos' I like Subway sandwiches quite a bit and I hafn't seen it at all before in Paris. Cipi has never heard of Subway before. Hmm... I seem to be introducing him to the American stuff, (He's the one I introduced Starbucks to) and in Paris at tat... hahaha... :) He said there's a French sandwich place tat he likes around the area so I suggested tat we each buy a sandwich at our favourite place and then we could share and try one another's. He really liked my Subway sandwich and his French-styled sandwich was pretty good too... We went home with satisfied tummies... :)

Hmm... Think that's about it so far... Will update more when I recall more stuff... ^_^
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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