Thursday, December 16, 2004

Great weekend!!!

So, finally can write about some nice stuff... I had a great weekend last week. Went ice-skating for the first time with my Singaporean colleague and her frens. My first time ice-skating! and imagine tat! open-air in the centre of Paris! amidst all the old, beautiful buildings! It was amazing! Though I fell down on my butt twice... hehe... glad I din break anything (read: not just my bones, the ice included). I was really nervous at first but my frens guided me along and held on to me for a bit before leaving me to try moving myself... When I got tired of trying to move clumsily, I stop, take in the atmosphere and watch the experts skate gracefully around the rink.

When we got ready to part ways, (me and my colleague goin to a housewarming dinner and her 2 frens goin off for their appointment), I was poked in the shoulder from behind. When I got ready to turn back and shoot the person one of my 'wat do u think u are doin' looks (my close frens would noe wat tat is :p), it turned out to be another of my colleague who came by to meet us and go for the dinner together. Said he actually wanted to capture candid shots of us skating, too bad we got off the ice already... (more like he wanted to get a shot of me fallin down... tat evil pig! :S) Niway, it was good that he caught us before we left for the metro, else he would haf had to go to the dinner on his own.

Before we went to the dinner, we decided to buy some chips for everyone so we walked around our colleagues' place (where we are having the dinner) looking for a supermarket (we walked so long but couldn't find any). Then my colleague received a call to ask us to get some bagettes too (cos they cooked chicken curry *yum*). So we continued walkin until we FINALLY found a supermarket and a bakery. There weren't many shops around their place as it was quite a posh and centralised area (more hotels - probably cos' of the tourists - than anything else). And it was very cold! He bought 4 bagettes and they were still warm out of the oven so we ate one as we walked back. It was great to be eating warm bread when it was so damn cold! Dinner was not bad... a mix of French food (cheese & wine) and asian food (chinese sausages, chicken curry, rice & stir-fried vegetables).

After dinner, a colleague (a fren I found in an unlikely person - but tat's another story for another time) and I went to Champs Elysées (kinda like our Orchard Road) to see the X'mas Lights but it was disappointin. Their X'mas lights are nowhere near what Orchard Road has. It was just a whole bunch of lights along the trees tat line the road. So it was nothing impressive. But I had fun still, jus absorbin the X'mas feel. So tat was my Saturday.

I slept in on Sunday {sleep, glorious sleep! :-) } Went to the market. Called home!!! Talked to my mum and sis :) Did laundry. Watched TV, more like lookin at the pictures cos' all the programmes are in French (Duh!). (Can't wait to start my French classes in Jan- it's horrible not understandin a thing they say here) Then I went to a X'mas dinner hosted by an American Chinese couple from the International Church here that my colleague brought me to and it was a nice, homely, chinese dinner. It was jus 5 of us and we had a good chat...

So tat was the whole long story about my weekend. I've gotta get out of the office! It's 615pm now and everyone has left. And it's my turn to cook dinner tonight! So Bonsoir!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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myztika said...

ooh... sounds fun babe...
missing u, take care!