Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Blink blank blink.

M's gone. His team (except Christian, he said he doesn't like goodbyes) and I sent him off at the airport this morning. On the train to the airport, I had trouble holding tears back. But when I met M and the others, I felt better as we chatted and joked. Though after breakfast, at the departure gate, the dam again threatened to break. Just before it did, M made a run for it. A quick hug and before you could count to 5, he was off. (I guess a quick death is a less painful one.) He turned back and waved a few times as he walked, then stuck his hand out behind the wall which blocked out our view. My colleagues were the ones who comforted me as I sobbed.

It was a stark contrast from when A left. A held me for a while before he went through. And his sleeve was wet when he let me go. (I guess that's how dissimilar they are.)

In the cab on the way back it was unusually solemn. (The other 3 are normally very riotous and loud.) The 2 guys spoke a little now and then, seemingly trying to lighten things up.


As I work with my animals now, I'm thinking about what has taken place over the last week I haven't had time to write about cos' I had been occupied with everything and nothing. O_o

I had dinner with M, Christian and Claire R last night at Boat Quay. Food was nice. I helped M carry his presents (He was spoiled rotten by us, he said.) back to the apartment since it was on the way home and I also needed to pick up the mirror that A left me.
M had a present for me. (Surprise, surprise! He never gave me any presents.) It was a novel which he said was well-known ('Wild Swans'). Set in communist China. I gave him the leaving presents I prepared.

A had left for his 3-month adventure on Tues. I had Mexican food at Holland V with him and his travel partner, Joelle on Monday evening. He insisted on buying the dinner. He liked the birthday presents I gave him. (It was his birthday last Sunday.) I've always enjoyed his reactions to presents. Very animated and filled with superlatives. :D Also he thanked me like 10 times over the evening.

Sometime earlier this week, a teacher from Alliance Francais called me about my placement tests. She said I did very well for the tests (beginner's) and asked if I wanted to try the intermediate ones, then determine the classes I'll start in after that. That was good news. :) Though I must say that the beginner's were easy cos' it was multiple choice and only 2 choices, so 50% chance of getting a question right. Not difficult mah.

Last Sunday evening I met a friend, Daniel, did a little window-shopping in the mall in Bishan.

Last Saturday evening was M's last Sat in Singapore and A's birthday weekend so there were tentative plans to have a night out. I was out shopping with Zan and Kay (Very good to meet up with them again!!!) so I met them later. Quite a few people were at M's place when I got there. We had a few drinks then left at about midnight, went to a pub in Boat Quay, had a drink and A said he wanted to dance. A had originally wanted to go to MOS but we stopped at a strange club called 'Home' between Boat Quay and Clarke Quay instead. The music they were playing was not the kind I'm used to. A really didn't like the music so he left early, about 3am. I stayed till about 5am. I left the club with Shab and her friend while the rest stayed on. Shab's friend wanted to have a bite so we went to MacDonald's. I had gotten sick (puked) twice before and they said I should eat something to settle the stomach so we all had a McMuffin meal. So bad (caloric, fat-wise) but oh-so-good! :) Then we sat there and chatted till it became light. I only got home about 8plus in the morning. Haha... So tired then.

Last Friday was gym day. I'm guilty to say, I've only gone twice last week. And this week I haven't been yet. Not good. Especially with me having dinner outside so many times recently.

Last Thursday my sis and I met up in Bishan after work. Both of us bought some clothes from the evening's 'accidental' shopping. Accidental because we hadn't gone there with the intention to shop. Was very happy then.

So that's the end of my update. My work's almost done. No gym again tonight. I'll try to go tomorrow. For now, I just wanna go home and sleep.

I cried.
For what has been.
For what will not be.
For which after I felt better,
though vacuous.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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