Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Go, Going, Gone

Last weekend, the 3-day one, seemed to me now like it either never happened, or took place a long time ago... I suppose it's just that I had some good times that seemed slightly surreal, and the rest of it I was too exhausted.

Friday afternoon was spent relaxing on Siloso beach in Sentosa with A, Joelle (A's friend), Claire Rouke and M.
Shab and her son, Zain came to join us after. Late afternoon, clouds started gathering and within minutes I felt the first droplets. To get out of the rain, we went to one of the bars along the beach for some food and drinks. We hung out there till the drizzle stopped and moved out to the beach again, each one of us armed with an ice-cream, Shab's treat! I had a scoop of banana and one of fruits of the forest. Divine!!! :p yum...

We sat around for a bit more, chatting, mainly about childhood British sweets. (I was the only Singaporean around. So notice I wouldn't know anything about this...) I protested about it, but A started teasing me about the weird kind of food we have here. (Telling me I could talk about fish maw.) haha... So I gave up. Anyway I enjoyed watching and hearing them reminisce. Then there are some that Shab brought up that the rest don't know about. (M did a *hint hint*: she's slightly older. ^_^) I mentioned a few of my favourite childhood candies and suprisingly they had very similar ones too.

M and Claire left to go home soon after while the rest of us stayed around to wait for the musical fountain show. Boy, was the place crowded! We were very lucky to get in for the 730pm show and find seats! But it was well worth the wait, tight squeeze and heat. Towards the end, there was fire spurting out along with the fountains and that was quite spectacular ! ^_^ Then there was Kiki the magical monkey! Zain loves him! I'm gonna get him the stuffed toy the next time I go there. :) I went to Shab's place for a bit after and read some Mr Men and Action Man books to Zain. He didn't want to let me go home. But was too tired to protest once he was tucked in. He's so cute! Haha.

Saturday morning I met Daniel for the tree-top walk in MacRitchie reservoir. The weather was fine then, neither rainy nor too hot. We chatted animately as we hiked along. Until, halfway across the actual bridge in the canopy, it started pouring... Since we didn't want to sit out the rain, we got properly drenched. I was still enjoying myself. We trudged along the muddy paths, unsure of the direction we should go.
Stumbled out into the golf course. Green that seemed to go on forever. My first time in a golf course. There were stares as we made our way through, looking for the exit. People must be thinking, 'These 2 grubby-looking people obviously have no place in here!' I tried to look nonchalant. They were immaculately dressed, these snobs; neatly pressed polo T-shirts, creaseless, expensive-looking pants, and of cos', those silly golf caps. Strolling along, without a care in the world. Bored caddies with heavy golf bags following behind.

We finally found the main road after walking for quite some time. Phew, I couldn't wait to get out of that place. It reeks of the rich stuck-ups.

I went home, had a much-needed shower and rested for a bit before I set off to meet M and A at Anchorage. I stopped in Ang Mo Kio to buy some famous curry puffs for them. There was a long queue at the stall, I couldn't believe it! It took forever on the MRT to get to Queenstown. Argh... By the time I got to their apartment. I was hot and bothered. But they appreciated the curry puffs, so that was worth it. It was Joelle's last day in Singapore so A wanted to go to East Coast for some seafood dinner before she left that night.

M asked if I was hungry, mentioned he wasn't. It was about 5pm, my stomach wasn't demanding food yet. We decided we'd tag along and take a walk first while they had dinner, then join them after.

It was a quite a long, (we started where all the seafood restaurants are located, and ended where MacDonald's is) leisurely promenade. The sea breeze was cooling the day down. There were periods of comfortable silence between parts where we talked about anything that came to mind; the weird, funny running styles of some joggers, cats, bums, tandem bikes...

By the time we got back to Jumbo, the sun had just about set, A and Joelle were cleaning off their last bites. (In A's opinion, the food was so good, he could have licked the plates.) M was famished so we ordered some food. It was pretty good, though I think I've had better seafood.

Then it was time for Joelle to go. A went with her to the airport and M and I had another walk back to MacDonald's to catch a bus. It was a full moon that night. And as we strolled along, I kept an eye out for beautiful, shining lights in the horizon, which as they move closer, took the shape of planes, coming in to land at the airport. 'I want to be on one', I told him, thinking of how soon it'll be that I'd be sending them both off on their planes home, permanently.

It must have been nightfall that made my mood lose the lightness it had earlier. I stood on the beach, staring, unlooking, out the sea when M turned me around to give me a hug. It had been a while since I've spent time alone with M. I feel they've both been slowly distancing themselves from me, maybe it's just that they were busy, maybe I am being oversensitive, maybe they are just trying to be kind, to me.

'Would you like some coffee?' I asked. 'My treat!'

We sat in the cool, quiet (most people had chosen to sit outside) interior, sipping our unfanciful, brew-of-the-day coffees, occasionally taking a bite of the slice of carrot cake he wanted. A called, he was done at the airport. If we wanted to share a cab back to Anchorage? I asked A to join us but he said he had to get back. Then M told him we'd go back on our own by bus and MRT. I was quite surprised, cos' he doesn't like travelling by bus very much. Then M and I had a little discussion and we decided we should go back with A, so M called him back and we left together.

Back at the apartment, the 3 of us sat in the lounge and chatted past midnight. Then A's eyes started closing and he went off to sleep. M stayed up a bit more with me before I left to go home.

Sunday was big moving day. Out of Anchorage, into Farrer Park, where I no longer have easy visitation rights like I used to. Sigh. :(

My uncle was very kind to come along with his pick-up so the guys could load all their things and bring them over. A went with me and my uncle to unload on the other side while M stayed behind to start the cleaning up first.
After moving most of their possessions to the new place, my uncle left and we went back to Anchorage to do a final clean-up before the handover of keys at 3pm. Boy, were we tired, grimy and sweating (all 3 of us complaining that we smell. I smelt the guys - they always ask me if they smell but they weren't too bad. Of cos' I smelt the best, comparatively, I mean... ha) by the end of the afternoon. Back at the new apartment in Farrer Park, the guys started unpacking and I fell asleep, scrunched into a fetal position, in a corner on A's new bed. When I got up, I figured I wasn't needed around anymore and it was time to go home. The guys were still wanting to go to the gym as we had planned (they are mad!). But I opted out. I asked M if he wanted to go for a dip in the pool before leaving for gym and he went with me. It was literally a dip for me, cos' I had no energy left to swim. I even got M to do some butterfly strokes for me. He was reluctant at first cos' he said he was no good at it. But I thought he was great. :)

10 minutes later, we were back at the apartment, I took a shower and when I came out, M came to ask me if I was in a rush to get home and if I'm not they'd like to go for dinner and if I'd like to join them. 'What about gym?' I asked. 'We decided not to go.' It took me more than a moment to understand that sentence. They hardly ever give up gym for something else! Then A chipped in, 'We would like to bring you out to dinner to thank you for your help. There's a little French place just downstairs we could try.' :) So sweet of them. Well, although I know I'm not the reason they were not going to the gym (reasons: A- tired, M- too late) but I was jumping with joy.

Dinner was good. Affordable French food. We each ordered different starters, main courses and desserts and had tastes of each other's food. ^_^ We either stuck our cutlery into each other's plates or they ate off my spoon or fork, whichever I was feeding them with.

After dinner, M walked me to the bus stop. I was very happy that their new place is so much closer to my place. Although I know I won't be able to visit as often as I used to, but if I do now, it'll be much easier.

All in all, a very eventful, quite draining weekend.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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