Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rollercoaster ride...

Didn't make it to Taman Negarah last weekend. :( Was quite upset for a while that we couldn't go. But the 2 champs assured me we could still go places (albeit within Singapore probably) and do stuff.

I was their temporary housemate for the weekend. :) Felt like a pseudo-holiday, which compensated for my not being able to get out of Singapore.

Heavy, heavy rain on Friday thwarted our plan to go cycling in Pulau Ubin. So we ended having a big lunch in Changi village, then headed to the Changi Prison Museum which was interesting. Brought back memories of history lessons in Secondary 1 & 2. The rain had subsided after we were done at the museum so we headed to the beach to watch the planes go by. Chatted as we walked along the beach until it was time to head home.

Took a cab from the beach to the airport (Terminal 2) and as Alex wanted to check if it's cheaper to buy a plane ticket at the last minute, we took a queue number at the SIA counter and waited to be served. As we were waiting, the 3 of us oogled at the air stewardesses walking by. ;p
Turns out that it is actually slightly more expensive (some service charge thingy) if one buys a plane ticket at the counter a few hours before the flight. Just before we left, the customer service lady commented that the 3 of us looked like we are on Amazing Race. I took a look at myself and the 2 guys and laughed. There's truth in that, since our dress code was for cycling at Pulau Ubin. Haha.

On the MRT ride back, I fell asleep, cosily sardined between them.

We decided to go for a run together after we got home. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with those 2 guys so I told them I'd be right behind. We did a lap (a really long one, at least that was what it felt like to me... O_o) around Queenstown and the guys went for a second round. The marathon runner amongst us commented that I'm a good runner. Imagine that!!! *grinning from ear to ear* :D He said he thinks I could probably do 10km in 50 minutes. I seriously don't think I am good at running (I'm really slow...) but I'll take the compliment anyway. :)

M (Michel's my nickname for him, but for simplicity's sake, I'll refer to him as M here) made some tuna sandwiches for dinner and made me eat half a sandwich, even though I told him I wasn't hungry. He insisted that I eat something or my body's gonna cave in on itself. Quite sweet of him, that was. ^_^ The interesting thing is, whenever I'm with them 2, especially at their place, M is the only one who prepares food for me and makes sure I eat. Cereal, sandwiches, scrambled eggs, toasts, fruits etc. While A (Aleggs is how he says I call him. A's easier for writing.) says that I can help myself to anything in the house, he very seldom sits down to eat with me and M.

After dinner, they settled down on the couch, me on the inflatable bed and they decided to watch Star Wars Episode IV while I proceeded to fall asleep not long after the movie started. Ha. :) My eyes opened only when A turned off the tv. A went to bed while M and I stayed up a bit to read before going back to sleep.

The next day, A decided he wanted to go to St John's and Kusu Islands, both of which I've never set foot on. M and I agreed happily and we had a quick breakfast before jumping into a cab (these guys are always taking taxis!) to Sentosa for the ferry. To our dismay, when we arrived at about 1pm (just in time for the 130pm ferry), we found that the last ferry back to Sentosa was 315pm. That gives us no time to us to explore the islands.

M suggested we just stay on Sentosa and get some sun on the beach. Both A and I concurred and we took a chairlift (I almost dropped my water bottle and flip-flops!!! Thank God I grabbed them in time!) up to where the boys filled their stomachs with subway sandwiches and took the louch down! It was way fun!!! We zigzagged past the slow-coaches in front of us. But after a couple of curves, the guys went so fast I lost them... I could have gone faster, I think, but I was trying to err on the side of caution since it was the first time I've driven a 'louch'.

The beach was great. Loads of bikini-clad babes, sun, sea... Didn't realise how much I miss being on a beach until then. M shared his beach towel with me close to the shade of the palm trees and A moved his towel where he could get the most sun (slathered on a generous amount of sunscreen) and went to sleep.

At some point, A woke up and said he'd fancy a swim and all 3 of us went swimming. I surprised myself by going out as far as the guys (almost halfway between the shore and the farout buoys. I think it was cos' I felt relatively safe with the guys around. Both of them know lifesaving and M's a strong swimmer. After swimming around a bit, A said he wanted to try to swim out to where the buoys are. I protested fervently. I might start panicking if they leave my side. But as I calm my nerves (and stop thinking like a baby), I told them to go ahead and that if I get scared, I'd just swim back to shore (that's if I could make it back that far!) and that they should be careful cos' it's quite far out. I watched as all I could see of them were tiny bobs in the water before disappearing (I gasped!) then resurfaced again. M swam back towards me with powerful strokes. A quite leisurely paddled back. :)

We swam back to shore soon after, A leading the way, while M kept vigilance on me (turning back to check that I'm still alive) as I follow. M turned nice and brown (sounds like food. haha) at the end of the evening. A complained that it wasn't fair that M tans nicely while it's so difficult for him to get any colour. Then he conceded that it was possibly cos' he put on too much sunscreen. (M didn't put on any except for a little on his shoulders and head. (unprotected-by-hair head ;p)

Just before we left Sentosa (cos' the sky was looking menacingly dark), A somehow started talking about climbing trees. And I managed to convince M to try. And he did it! Like a monkey! ;p Have pictures to prove! Hee. A said he probably can't but after M showed him the tactics to doing it, he did it too! Not wanting to be left out, I boldly said I wanna climb too. I could barely get a few steps up the tree... M was watching my back. A trying to encourage me, take pictures and laugh, all at the same time. >_< I tried pulling myself higher, almost lost my footing. I came down then tried again, this time, getting up slightly higher, then FELL! M didn't have time to react. The lower left-side of my body suffered some abrasions. A little blood and the guys got all worried about me. ha.

A called for a cab. (the queue at the bus stop and taxi stand was so longgg!) We got back home, had something to eat, (M made some spaghetti for himself and me. A said he wasn't hungry or something...) got changed and headed to the gym. (Those guys are mad! They have to go to the gym almost everyday!)

Before going to the gym, we had decided we were going to try to catch 'The Producers' at 955pm at Cathay after. It was a tight fit since we got to the gym after 8. As we exited Somerset station, A sent M to try to get the tickets first (since M is the runner amongst us) while A and I walked fast.

M managed to get the tickets! The show was hilarious! The boys have watched the original theatrical performance of it in London before and said the movie was very nearly as good. :)

Back home, I stir-fried some chicken fillet for M and he had them in a sandwich while I only had appetite for a Nutella toast. We all went to bed soon after.

Sunday was uneventful except for a piece of news that ended my weekend with a 'bang'. Spent the morning chatting to M. Breakfast. Went to the pool with A late afternoon. Which was when A broke the news to me that he'd soon go back home to do his PhD. For a minute, I had thought that A being A, was just teasing me. But I soon found out he wasn't joking. I was quite close to tears. I am happy for him that he's got a scholarship for an amazing project and all but I couldn't help feeling upset that I wouldn't be hanging out with either one of them soon. I had thought A liked it in Singapore and would stay around for a bit so even when M leaves, I'd still have 1 buddy left. Now he's leaving even before M does. :(

Big grey clouds gathered ominously in the distance and slowly moved closer as he explained things to me. What an adept reflection of how I felt... We went for a dip in the pool. Fat droplets of rain fell, I stubbornly sat on the steps leading to the pool, refused to get out just to watch A fret. He cracked me up with his screams of getting struck by lightning if I don't get out. Laughing was my way of covering up how intensely affected I was. As a last resort, A lifted me out of the pool and hastened me to get home.

When we got back, M was still hard at work on his com and when I checked my phone in my bag in the lounge, there was a text from him that said 'Get in quick! :(' Sweet. A complained to M of me not wanting to come back while I tried to give M a wet bear hug. ^_^ Spent some time reading after my shower and chatted with them both a little more before going home in the evening.

Ah, finally finished this entry. Now on to the weekend just past... I wonder when that one will be finished...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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