Wednesday, March 22, 2006

And so the story goes...

Been absolutely tied up with work to chronicle my last fabulous weekend! Am now in the middle of running a test with some time to spare so will attempt to give a short summary.

It was St. Patrick's Day last Friday so a few colleagues and I went out to a pub for a Guinness after gym. I don't usually take beers, much less stouts but it's Irish, so... :) Anyway I opted for a limited edition blackcurrant Guinness (they probably just added cordial to it), which had the creaminess of a regular Guinness but without the usual bitterness. It was sweet, very good. :) It was a good chill-out evening after a hard week.

Paintball on Sat afternoon was terrific, except maybe that horrendous-looking bruise on the lower part of my right bicep. O_o (Sighz, see, I have such good foresight! Me and bruises have such affinity...) Other than some jamming episodes of the guns and the arena being slightly, regretfully small, there were no other complaints. At the end of the games, I was left feeling a little drained as adrenaline exited my sympathetic nervous system. The main reason (I think) why it was such great fun was cos' we were fighting with and against people we knew, i.e. the only people playing were our group of colleagues. And it helped that the referees (in charge of the paintball games) were very nice people.

In the evening we were to have a farewell party at some colleagues' apartment as one of them's leaving us to do his PhD in the U.S. (Lucky guy!) I went back to their place to shower and change cos' I wouldn't have had time to go home from Jurong and then go back to the West again. My 'pretty' bruise ('pretty' cos' of the various colours; blue, red, yellow, in it) was commented on much at the party. I talked to different people, ate a whole lot of chips and had a bit to drink. Fatigue (in the morning, before paintball, I actually went to the gym, and Friday night I barely slept a few hours cos' stayed up chit-chatting with a good friend) and alcohol combined made me extremely sleepy halfway through the party. I took a little nap on the couch. Don't remember how long I slept for. Not very long, I don't think. Quite a few people were gone already when I woke up. There was talk of going out. Devil's bar or Zouk. Sung (the lead of the party) decided on Devil's bar and we set out. It was 1am. There were 3 guys and three girls, including me.

I never had so much fun dancing! :D This coming from someone who doesn't usually club (or have the knack for dancing for that matter), so 'nuff said. ^_^

A large part of Sunday was spent chilling out with one of my favourite persons. :) It was an unplanned for, almost domesticated (in a nice way) day. ;> Spontaneity is almost always good. A walk around Ikea and having one of my favourite hotdog gave me reasons to smile. Hee. :]

So that was my unusually packed weekend.

Test will be done soon. This is my first session running this test alone. Sung is handing over to me in the next few days and I am crossing my fingers that I can take over without any major hitch/hiccup. Also, my own test will be set up over the next week. Behavioural work can get a bit boring sometimes, but hopefully I can come to see the 'big picture' (as my boss puts it) then I'd love it. We'll see.

'This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.'

-- William Shakespeare 1564-1616: Hamlet (1601)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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