Tuesday, September 20, 2005

La, a note to follow So

Joined the company choir last Thurs and had my first experience of a choir practice. I wanted to join after I heard them in a little performance in the company (for Fete de la Musique) in June and they were great! But then they stopped practices for the summer holidays and don't start again until September, which is now. Even though I only have a month or so left here, I wanted to learn something new to take with me when I go home and singing French songs seemed like a good idea, so off I went. Practice started with weird (to me, that is) breathing exercises and then a lot of la-la-la-ing to warm up our voices. It all seemed quite funny to me. =p I didn't 'audition' (to make some la-la-la-s so the instructor knows which group to put you in) before I went for practice so I didn't know which group I belong in (though I kind of expected I'd be in the Soprano group since my voice is high and shrill O_o). I didn't know they sat in their various groups right from the start so I just sat with a colleague whom I know. It wasn't until we started singing that I realised she is in the Alto group. After the practice, the instructor got me to sing various ranges of la-la-la-s to the piano and determined me to be in the Soprano group.

So, for the second practice on Mon, I was with the Soprano group where unfortunately, there was an old (not too old lah, I just don't like her much) lady who sat just behind me and was singing all the wrong notes. Either off note or singing the Alto part instead of ours. That really irritated me cos' it was very difficult to sing correctly with an out-of-tune voice just behind me. And she was the mean old woman who said, 'So, now you are happy?' in a sarcastic tone when practice ended last Thurs. (I had told her before that I would like to join the practices and she had remarked that it's not much of a point if I am only going to be here for a month.)

Anyhowz, I won't bother myself with old mean women and shall just enjoy the practices while I can.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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