Thursday, July 06, 2006

They say new's better. I don't necessarily agree, but that's just me.

Life's little disappointments stem from expectations, don't they? I'm learning to expect nothing except from oneself. Not very easy I suppose, but definitely a very useful trick to master.

Am feeling strangely at peace with myself now. Yesterday evening/night saw me bestowed with an important lesson. My colleagues/friends who stood by me and cared were not the ones I would have thought to be there for me. So while a part of it saddened me beyond words, (Some people tell me I'm just being overly sensitive. And I admit sometimes I do make that mistake. But... well... not this time. ha.) I felt a 'tap on the shoulder' (hey, look here!) and was reminded of how lucky I was for the people who watched out for me. ^_^ Am not an optimist by nature but I think I'm picking it up. :)

People seem to be streaming out of the company lately. Another fun colleague's leaving us at the end of this month for greener pastures. Sigh. Soon there'd be no one left but the newcomers...

Alomst everyone in the office (and then some) turned up for M's farewell dinner last night at Iguana's. It was quite a good dinner. I met my Pop's (Christian's) 2 Irish friends, Aidan and Peter who are here for a holiday. A bunch of us went to One Night Stand after for some drinks. There was a live band playing and they were great!

After that Christian, his friends and Claire R and I stood out the bar for a while to finish our drinks (Hoegaarden, the only beer I like!) and the other remaining people went ahead to MOS. After we finished our drinks we went to MOS to see if we could get in. (Aidan and Peter were wearing shorts so it was highly unlikely.) They wouldn't let them 2 in so we all went home instead. Claire asked me to stay with her since I'm quite far from home and her place is really near work so it's more convenient so I did. She's been really nice to me everytime we go out, that sweet girl... :D

At her place, I had a shower and attempted to watch the match (France vs Portugal) but conked out in front of the tv soon after. Thankfully, France won! :D It helped make me feel slightly better today.

It's been a bit since I've written about my work. It's been progressing ok. Did I ever mention that the rat that was sick before had died after? :( He was from the old batch of rats that have been undergoing training since like forever... I am hoping very, very hard that my drug arrives soon so I could actually start drug trials... My other batch of rats (younger, smaller) have been performing quite well in their training. I've been able to move them up the stages steadily. All 59 of them except 1 who obstinately refuses to eat from the food hopper. Sigh. I don't know how else to teach him. He'll no doubt delay the whole project if he remains this way. Everyone else is on stage 3 of training now and he's still stuck in 1. Then, in the 59 that are in stage 3 now, it's very interesting to see how quickly a few of the gifted ones learn the rule to the 'game' while the rest pick up slowly. It's quite rewarding (and surprising) when you see how smart they are.

That's all about work update I guess.

I'm tired. Mentally, emotionally, whatever-ly. Everyday stuck in the lab alone for over 6 hours does things to you... *_* I think I might skip my spinning class today. I feel really bad. I should go. If I just go home after work there'll be nothing much to do. Nothing's on tv tonight. [I miss my friends... haha. (Zan, I wanna hang out!)]
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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