Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Des hauts et des bas

Yesterday was a I-don't-feel-like-working,-really-really-don't day. But boss came along at the end of the day and told me I've been doing a good job cos' my rats are doing well. I had sent my boss some training data last Friday and he has had a look at them over the weekend. :)

So today I'm hard at work again. :D Had a meeting with him this morning and made plans for future studies and stuff like that. He mentioned that the tests are my responsibility and though he could guide me along but to make them work it's up to me. As is my career; building a profile in the company, perhaps getting a job within the company in UK etc.

That the 2 tests are solely in my charge sounds quite daunting to me at the moment. There's still tons I need to learn and that means tons and tons of literature to read, which means working at home to read them. Have really got to be disciplined to do that.

Speaking of discipline, I went to the gym all by myself yesterday!!! Je suis fiere de moi!!! Hee. Used to, when both my gym buddies can't go to the gym (which is very, very rarely) that naturally means I don't go either. Hier, I felt so fat (I always eat so much over the weekends, especially sun), I had to drag my sorry a*s to the gym. Ha. :D I think I'm getting the hang (and maybe even slightly enjoying it *the horror!*) of the work-gym-home routine.

Unrelated to the above rambling; something's been on my mind since Sunday.

There was an excerpt from the biography of the ex-CEO of KPMG who was diagnosed with late stage brain cancer and an update about the ex-RG girl with tongue cancer in last Sunday's Sunday Times. Reading these as my mum told me the lump in my grandfather's lung is malignant. I listened in mute silence, not knowing what to think, to say. Mum said they've decided not to let granddad know about his condition, or to undergo radiotheraphy, it'll all be too much for him. The coming days would be difficult for the family. Like before with grandmother. I only hope grandpa wouldn't have to suffer as much as grandma did. Pray for him with me, would you? Sunday afternoon I went with my uncle and a couple of cousins to visit him. He had lost weight. So different from just a few months ago when he was happily telling me about going for a holiday with his friends in Malaysia on Tiger Airways. As with every visit to the hospital, I was at a loss for words. Did manage to ask him a few questions and chat a little. Am resolved to talk to him more the next time I visit. Maybe I could tell him about my work! Shall do that.

Mum said granddad had stopped smoking 10 years ago, but...
I wish people I love could stop smoking. Especially dad. :(

Big sigh. It seems very heartless that I could put away the harsh reality of my granddad being sick and be ok at work, talk to my friends, do my own things etc. How could I do that???

M called while I was in the hospital, so he was the only friend I've talked to about this. And he was kind enough to call me back on Sunday night to check if I was ok.

Entry about last weekend would have to wait.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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