Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fried brain, anaesthesized heart.

The longer I stay in the office, the more I don't feel like going to the gym...

That aside, Monday was a balanced day. Balanced in the way chemical equations are, opposing effects cancelling each other out. One thing that made me quite happy was that a colleague who has been quite aloof (she only talks to people she's familiar/close with) spoke to me. :) The negative part of the equation, let's just say, I was told there's a possibility a person close to my heart would be going back home for good in a couple of months. Ah, so that's what a local anaesthetic to the cardiac system feels like... O_o

Anywayz, had planned to watch Brokeback Mountain after work on Monday but the evening show was sold out (on a Monday!!!) and other shows were too late. So stopped at McCafe near Shaw instead. The raspy speaker playing soapy love songs was somewhat irritating and my cappuccino was more milk than coffee but his Himalayan tea latte was quite nice.

We discussed career options and his opinion is I'd do well in marketing/business thingy (the 2nd close friend to tell me this. 1st would be Zan) and make more money there too. My response was, I am, well, still very much in love with Science and currently happy where I am now. The brain is a very fascinating organ, don't you think?

He's eager to move out of the lab research field, preferring instead clinical trials or something related with editing or writing (scientific stuff). A while ago I saw in Recruit an advert for a medical writer and sent the information along to him. There's an interview set up for this Thurs (oh, it's actually tomorrow). :) Am happy for him though I sometimes feel as if I am walking him out GSK's door.

Here's wishing him all the best for the upcoming interview (I think he'd do well)! Hopefully sometime in the future, our paths will cross again, was what I said. Aww... he said while giving me a half-hearted sideways (one arm over my shoulder) hug.

I've gotta say it's not very comfortable (comfortable being an understatement...) being reminded you don't mean much to someone who means quite a bit to you. ha. >_< I was a forgotten item yesterday evening. They headed off to the gym without me, though about 15 minutes before I had talked to him and he said he'd let me know before they leave. Couldn't bring myself to stay mad cos' I know I am just a colleague, maybe bordering on a friend, so I'm in no position to be upset.

Feeling a little feverish now, maybe cos' I've had a long and not too pleasant day today. That's a story for tomorrow. Gotta head off to the gym now. Ciao!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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