Thursday, March 16, 2006


Didn't manage to get myself to the gym yesterday. My 2 gym kakis didn't go (I was very surprised! They are the kind if don't go one day will die one... though one of them would have gone if he didn't have to go for a drink with the bosses). So go home I did. Conked out before 11pm (very early for me) last night. I was attempting to watch BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs - Sea Monsters at about 10pm but fell asleep on the couch instead. It was interesting, the little bit I did catch.

Think it was a combination of mentally exhaustion and some sort of a flu bug in my immune system that knocked me out. Thankfully I'm feeling better today. My immune system has apparently won the battle! :) My less than pleasant day yesterday was due to disappointing results of my study.

The rats I had spent 2 whole days with performed quite badly on the test and knowing the little fat lady (a colleague once lovingly commented he's never known someone whose horizontal dimensions are the same as her vertical's) in charge of this set of behavioural tests, she'll be on my back for the next week or more. Sighz... She's been a source of irritation for a colleague and I. Kept repeating herself like a broken record, saying the experiment's not working cos' we are not handling the rats properly, asking us to repeat the study even though the first results were ok, ordering us around, not being able to give me adequate explanations when I question her about something and imposing her stupid, illogical theories on us. She was fine when we didn't have to liaise with her, but once we started working with her, life has been quite difficult. :(

Let's talk about happier things, shall we? Received a text message last night (which I only saw this morning cos' I slept so early) which made my day. ^_^ Needless to say, I am easy to please. :p A short question which probably meant nothing to the sender made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Hee. :) I take what I can.

Time/reality-check. Have to start on my target identification for tomorrow's meeting. Argh, I so do not want to do...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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