Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Plane: that which brings you here will take you away.

The week flies when one's occupied.

Went to the arts museum last Friday and ran into the Cubist exhibition that was opening then. People were standing around having drinks and when we walked in to see what it was about we were offered drinks too. Hee. I took a glass of wine but didn't finish it cos' my head decided to stage a strong demonstration that afternoon. First time I visited a museum in Singapore... Quite bad eh... Spent all (almost - plus minus a year) my life (so far) here but never did explore stuff like that. Museum is on the small side but had some interesting stuff. :) The only downside to it was a bunch of locals chatting loudly while walking around. Very, extremely irritating! Other than that one hitch, it was nice visiting a museum again.

Caught 'Walk the Line' with Daniel, my sis and 7 colleagues on Sat. Show was good. Touching but not too gooey mushy. :)

Went for a swim Sun late afternoon and caught some sun even though cloud-cover was thick. Sometimes I wonder if I should laugh or cry at the amazing rate I get a tan... Judging from how Asian women try soooo hard to whiten themselves, I don't figure it's such a good thing after all. O_o

I was very excited to watch 'Cache' (Hidden) yesterday. The thriller had looked good. I won't spoil the show for anyone who might be interested to watch. I'll only say it's unexpected. Brillant, in its way and definitely unconventional. Then again, aren't most French shows that? :) Was very pleased with myself that I understood most of the dialogue just by hearing. Tried not to refer to the subtitles. HAVE to pick up where I left off. Else the bits and pieces I know now will be gone. Would really hate that. MUST make time.

Well, should get going. Have to come in to work real early tomorrow morning for study. This is where I wish I could sprout wings (when I want them that is...) and fly (highly improbable. hee. =p), have my own transport (not possible in near future), or a riche boyfriend with a fancy car who's willing to chauffeur me to and from work. (sounds damn near impossible. haha.) *Sound of bubble bursting* Now where was I? Oh ya, gotta go. ^_^
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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