Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Need to be insouciant.

Didn't have any time to write yesterday cos' was stuck in lab. And I read Zan's blog where she mentioned 'cyberloafing'. But since my work's piling up faster than I can say 'Finanzausgleichgesetz', I don't think I'd have to worry about that now. Anyways, I'm using the internet off-work hours now so it should be fine.

The weekend went well.

Had dinner gathering at a church friend's apartment in Novena. Very big! Great view. Good food - mudpie and ice-cream for dessert! :D So was company. Met a couple of colleagues for a drink at boat quay afterwards and that was very relaxing... Chatting about expats and related issues.

Big Boss's engagement party was very fun!!! I was the last Asian left at the end of the night (about 3.30am). And that's cos' I was slightly wasted to go off earlier on my own. I had only a few glasses of stuff (namely, a bit of the Italian thingy I brought - my head was safe! They liked it!, a glass of white, half a glass of red and a very watered-down rum coke - little rum, lots of coke). See how bad I am? My body just doesn't agree with alcohol! Had to do a 'Merlion' in the toilet. (I told a colleague about this analogy which he thinks was very apt and now can't stop laughing and 'suan'-ing me about it.)
Big Boss's fiancee was pretty and nice. She thanked me for getting the 'champagne' and I got to speak to her and the Big Boss for a bit.

Sunday was spent sleeping and reading. Lazing at home. I didn't have a hangover if that's what you are wandering. :)

Yesterday and today have been quite productive days. Lots of stuff to sort out. Had thought yesterday started on a bad note cos' some equipment I ordered were not what I had expected them to be. But things got sorted out afterwards. And I wasted at least 130pounds on some stuff that turned out to be unnecessary (which my colleague and I only discovered yesterday). Boss brushed it off with, 'Well, we're not broke'. Guess that's what an MNC's about. ^_^

Time to leave the office! Going for a nice coffee somewhere. :D
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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