Wednesday, February 08, 2006

You're it.

Since the lovely Anantya tagged me, I shall do this now. (Else she don't friend me, how? O_o)

If any of the following statements apply to you, highlight/bold/italize it. Then, post.

I have a cell phone.
I have friends that use me. [Let's say favours, k?]
I am an only child.
I love dangly earrings. [Am trying to pluck up courage to wear the bigger ones.]
I love cold weather.

I'm obsessed with the computer internet. [I think I can do without it for a while.]
I have shot a gun before. [A real pistol, mind you. Of cos' not in Singapore lah.]
I can't live without music. [Handy thing to have around, don't you think?]
I have no tolerance of ignorant people. [Well, I try not to be. But people who act like they are smarter than everyone else and then asks the world's stupidest questions piss me off!]
I have ridden on a motorcycle before. [Only as a pillion.]

I'll be in this town forever. [NOOOOooo!!!]
I've been to 5 other countries. [And hopefully that number will increase.]
I get annoyed easily. [My fuse is short. But then I start feeling bad that I got annoyed.]
I eventually want kids. [ehm, if I find a guy with the right genes, yeah, I think so.]
I have neat handwriting.

I have more than a few horrible memories. [Let's not talk about this.]
I am addicted to chocolate. [I lOoove chocolate but addiction... might be too strong a word.]
I am an atheist.
I love airplane rides. [Especially taking off and landing!]
I love taking pictures. [My camera's my baby!]

I hate people who are fake.
I can be mean when I want to. [You don't want to see this happening, trust me.]
My parents care about my grades. [They never gave me unnecessary pressure.]
One of my best friends is a girl. [Definitely!!!]
I have way too many wallets.

I'm obsessed with lip gloss.
I am easy to talk to.
I would never eat raw fish. [Boy, do I love sashimi!!!]
I cry easily.
I hate when people are late. [Heehee... no cos' I'm usually late. But I swear I'm better now!]

I procrastinate. [Oh yeah...]
I love winter. [Getting bundled up in those lovely jackets, trench-coats, scarfs, caps, gloves to play in the snow!!! ^_^]
I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser. [If only...]
I love to sleep.
I wish I were smarter. [A 100 times]

I'm afraid of flying.
I hate drama.
I bite my nails. [Only when I'm really really nervous.]
I have been on an 8 hour drive. [I once took a 24-hour greyhound bus ride from Missouri to New York. Don't ask me how I survived that, I don't remember.]
I never fight with my parents. [Do kids who don't talk back to their parents exist?]

I love the beach. [Ahh, sun, sand, water.]
I have never had the chicken pox.
I have gone out in public in my pajamas.
I can't control my emotions.
I have a best friend.

I have moved more than once. [Around the same area. I like my part of Singapore.]
I truly love my friends.
I have (had) braces.
I have never broken a bone.
I hate my computer. [Let's just say it's a love-hate situation.]

I like boys who play the drums. [No particular preference, really. Any musical instrument is nice.]
I state the obvious. [Subtley is the key.]
I'm a happy person. [Most of the time.]
I love to dance.
I love to sing.

I love cleaning my room. [I think I hear my mum laughing at this one...]
I tend to get jealous very easily.
I love cute underwear.
I love night better than day. [They both have their beauty. :)]
I don't like to study for tests. [Who does?]

I have been on the phone for over 5 hours.
I am too forgiving. [Me has a soft heart.]
I have horrible sense of direction. [I can read maps quite well now! *beams*]
I miss elementary school.
I'm a daddy's boy/girl. [My dad has always pampered his daughters.]

I love the color pink.
I love to sew.
My eye color changes. [I wish!]
I should see a therapist.
I played on a girls sports team.

I become stressed easily.
I hate/detest liars.
I love the smell of rain. [Especially the smell in the air after rain]
I love my family. [Very muchly!!!]
I hate needles.

I am a perfectionist. [Kind of inhibiting sometimes, don't you think?]
I always wanted to learn to play the guitar.
I hate the feeling of failure.
I have friends in other countries. [And I want to visit them all!]
I know how to cook.

I can be quite selfish. [Depends on who with.]
At times, I still act like a little kid. [The whining has gone down though.]
I have food allergies.
I love to read.
I wish I were more motivated for school. [I wish I had better grades.]

I love getting stuff in the mail. [Especially snail mail. Since people don't use that much anymore.]
I have problems with letting go of old feelings. [Sometimes.]
I hate being alone.
I love summer.
I love the weekends.

I love black eyeliner.
I think I'm a looker. [Maybe if I get plastic surgery. Beh.]
I type with one hand.
I live in a one storey house.
I wear make-up. [Only when I feel like dressing up. And that's quite rare.]

I have never rode on an underground subway.
I can't swim.
I have bad memories. [They are there, somewhere in the back of my head.]
I go to church.
I sing in the shower.

I hate cheerleaders.
I usually get what I want. [Hey why doesn't that happen to me?!?!]
I have been on stage before. [That was eons ago!]
I love roller coasters.
No one knows the full story of my life.
I am close to my parents. [We are getting there.]
I don't have a curfew. [Curfew?? What's that? Hee. Never had one.]

I'm tagging:

I'd see it on your sites sometime eh?
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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