Wednesday, October 05, 2005

tick tock

Din do much the last 2 weekends. Basically bummed around at home. On the 24th Sept, I chanced upon a military exhibition while on the way to the bank with a friend. It was pretty impressive, what with the jets, helicopters, parachutists, guns, tanks, other great big vehicles and equipment that I have no idea what they are called... That was probably the most happening thing since these last 2 weeks. And this last Sun as I was happily lazing around at home, I forgot it was the first Sun of the month and thus missed a chance to visit the museums. Sighz... Was kicking myself late Sun afternoon when I realised this.

Hope I would get out this weekend. Think there's some kind of art fest this coming weekend. Will try to go for that. After I move. :( Gotta move out of my lovely room this Sat cos' China housemate going back to Singapore before me (due to the fact that he hasn't taken any leave to go anywhere, he's taking his leave now to go back earlier. My official last workday is 31st Oct, though I would finish before that cos' I still have a week's worth of leave.) and I can't afford to pay for the whole apartment on my own. Have found a cheaper place near the heart of Paris (very good location!). It's a small room in very dear friend's cousin's small rented apartment, not nearly as nice as my room now but will do for just a month plus. And as the apartment is on the 6th storey and the building has no elevator, I will get the much-needed exercise before I go home. *smiles rather reluctantly*

Am quite reluctant to move cos' I've gotten very comfortable in my room so inertia is a problem. I would have to try to adapt to the new place all over again. :(

Feels like Time is speeding by, leaving me running wheezingly behind to try to catch up... As the days get shorter, and the day of my return home is ever pressing near, I feel a little subdued, a little morose. I really do miss my family and friends back home. But Singapore, I can always picture, in my mind's eye, how she looks like and thus, I don't really miss the country, just the people I love. It's a little different here because She is still so new, ao awww-inspiring, and I know even as I step into the Charles de Gaulle airport, before the plane leaves Paris' soils, I would already miss her and the people and things I've come to love and cherish here. :'(
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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