Tuesday, October 04, 2005

That much closer to a quarter of a century OLD

Thoroughly enjoyed myself (very amused) on Thurs. Lunch was pretty good. Had kway teow dry (was supposed to be meepok dry but they ran out of meepok) in a Chinese place. Apparently these are special dishes (read: not on the printed menu :p) catered to the flight crew from Singapore since it's so near to the hotel they stay in and they all go there. Somehow being around so many Singaporeans and Malaysians (On a different note, personally I think, since half of the crew of SIA is made up of Malaysians, they should change the 'Singapore girl' slogan), it felt like I was back in Singapore, especially since they speak such good Singlish! ^_^ Haven't heard that for a while now.

Afterwards, it was a whole lot of fun watching them go crazy in Galerie LaFayette. Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton... 'Aaah! cheap cheap cheap!!!' they went. (kinda reminded me of chickens... wonder why? :p) Ya, 450 euros for a small handbag is so cheap! O_o I had to hold my jaw to keep it from dropping!

My cousin, cousin-in-law, a friend and I decided to leave the girls to their luxurious shopping and go back to the hotel. We spent some time chit-chatting before I headed home.

Very dear friend cooked seafood spaghetti for me (one of his best dishes) and I had a sip of the pretty rosy gassy wine (a cross between champagne and wine and cheaper than champagne. I had refused to let him buy champagne for me cos' it's expensive and I can't drink anyway. But he insisted it is significant and important to drink to my birthday. Well, the excuses guys come up with to drink! ^_^) My friend was too kind and invited my housemate to join us for dinner and all through dinner, he was telling my friend crap about Singapore that made me really pissed! (Stuff like the ancestors of the Chinese in Singapore were very poor and of the lowest class in China, Singapore has no culture to speak of, etc etc... But look at that as*hole now! He has to come to 'lowly' Singapore to work! Why not stay in China, ase!?! What is the Singapore government thinking???? Granting PR to these disgusting Chinamen!!!) But since I was so tired and it was supposed to be my day, I decided to let the 'xiao ren' off.

Friday was a very relaxed day. I went over to the hotel early in the morning to pick up my cousin and cousin-in-law to go to my place for lunch and found them still lazing in bed watching a pirated VCD. It was not till 11am that they got themselves out of bed. By the time we got the grocery shopping done and arrived at my place, it was noon. We were quite hungry by then and were munching on snacks as we prepared lunch. I made oven-grilled chicken with vegetables for them from scratch! It was my first time making this using a friend's recipe. Was a little worried it'll turn out unedible but it was actually pretty good! Phew!!! At least that's what they told me... My cousin really liked my room cos' it feels warm and cozy... I really do like my room here. And that she said I seemed more grown-up and independent made me feel all warm and proud! =)

Since it started raining quite heavily after lunch, we bummed at home. And they were quite happy to do just that. :p My cousin-in-law and I watched a dvd on my laptop while my cousin fell asleep on my bed halfway into the movie. It was great having family on my birthday... The end of the day seemed to come too fast. They went back to the hotel after we had dinner together at that same Chinese place. She promised she'd try to get a flight change to come here again. My cousin helped me bring some clothes back and my cousin-in-law managed to persuade me into letting him 'help' me bring back (and put it in their place for the time being) a very beautiful photoframe in which there are pictures of his son, my nephew. Haha... I mean, they are going to see him once they get back. He even tried taking photos of the photos in the frame! It doesn't matter that I already said I would send him the soft copies! Hee hee... I miss them already.

I received some thoughtful presents (Thanks guys!) and a very pretty, wonderfully sweet-smelling bouquet of roses (although I don't usually like roses, these ones are very beautiful).
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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