Friday, October 07, 2005

Horrigible restaurant experience

Been reading through a friend's old archives (blog). Came across an entry that reminded me about a similar incident I experienced in an Italian restaurant here in Paris last Sat. It was the 2nd time I was there (and definitely the last time too) with very dear friend and his cousin (a very pretty lady) for dinner.

Our server was a bald-headed brown-skinned man. He wasn't too nice (in my opinion) when we said we didn't want any desserts. He kept trying to push me into having something (I wonder why he picked on me. Hmm... unless my sweet tooth is that obvious. Heh.) And he made this rather rude (again in my opinion) sound (something like 'phoo') when I said, 'no thank you' to everything he suggested. I was just too full (which is just an excuse by the way. Ha. I can fit in a dessert anytime! ^_^ The main reason's self-enforced diet, so can't have any. Bleagh.) to have any desserts. Then he left to go to the computer, printed out our bill and left it on our table (and without a bill folder at that) when we didn't ask for it. i have worked in numerous restaurants during my student life and so have my friends, and we have never seen this being done before. It's just so rude! Like saying, 'So, if you are not having any desserts, then get out of here!' O_o

The thing is, we are not done yet! Yes, we have finished our pizzas, but we each still have a glass of wine and a quarter bottle unfinished. And all we wanted was to sit and chat peacefully until we finish our wine. But no, the stupid server came and asked us if we could leave soon cos' they have a lot of customers waiting. The nerve of that guy!!! I've never had customer service as 'good' as this! Man!!! We pointed to our wine and said we still have not yet finished but he stood there and insisted for us to go! Very dear friend responded well when he said, ' You know what, I don't care!' The stupid server left reluctantly.

Boy, were we pissed! I asked my friends if they do complains here in Europe and I explained how in Singapore I would have asked for the manager and complained.

The cousin then signalled for the manager to come over and they asked him if it is normal to ask customers to leave before they are done with their wine. He said no and stood there quietly looking apologetic and I could also see he was really pissed with the waiter who served us. Very dear friend asked for an expresso so he took the offending bill away and went off to get the expresso. However, he didn't offer to get anything on the house to pacify us (usually in Singapore, managers, at good restaurants that is, would offer to buy something on the house to pacify angry customers. I've been working in restaurants almost all my grown-up school days so I should know). But well, apparently it doesn't work like that here in Paris. Anyways, we decided to be forgiving and after finishing our wine, we asked for the bill (from a different waiter, just one that happened to walk by). That waiter who served us didn't even dare/want to bring it to us, he just printed it and passed it to the guy we asked.

As we walked out of the restaurant, there was quite a long queue and the cousin shouted out, 'Well, Parisians really don't know where to eat!' I pointed out amist laughing that we had just eaten and walked out of the restaurant. Haha...

Anywayz, will definitely not go back there again.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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