Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sciences. May I never fall out of love with it.

Last weekend went by pretty well.

Met up some friends for a Jap dinner, at a restaurant which they recommended was very good and are opened by real Japanese! I was quite skeptical but wanted to see if they were right. So off we went! The decor of the restaurant impressed me. It was pretty well-done, it almost got me there. But the waiter did not look Japanese at all. And as I listened to the staff speaking to one another, they did not speak Japanese. Just because they spoke a Chinese dialect, my European friends think it's Jap (since it doesn't sound like Mandarin). haha... Well, I suppose it's like me not being able to differentiate the European languages from one another, with the exception of French.

They didn't believe me that the staff were speaking a Chinese dialect and not Japanese so they decided to ask the waiter. And got the same answer. *smug smile* Hey, hey, I learnt Jap before. (Though sadly, most of it has been returned to the teacher due to lack of usage. Am hoping that my French would not end up like that after I go home...)

Prices were a little higher than the 2 restaurants I've been to in Paris. Food was so-so. Nothing to talk about. I've had better. But as they were raving to me about how good it was and proudly asked me, so it was good eh? I told a white lie and said yeah, of cos!

After getting home, pretty cousin of very dear friend from whom I am renting the room from had a girlfriend over and they said they wanted to go to a nearby discotheque later (it was already 1130pm when I was speaking with them) and asked me if we wanted to join them. We were tired but we were curious so decided to go have a look. It was already 1 am when we left the house. Good thing the place is 5 min away by foot.

I didn't have any dressy stuff (no party clothes or pretty heels) so I just wore my normal stuff, a sleeveless white T-shirt, blue jeans and my adidas sport shoes. Hahaha... ya, I know that's not what most girls would wear for clubbing but well, I was too lazy to dig (and try to find) stuff out of my suitcase!

The bouncer almost didn't let me in! 'No baskets!', he said. (Baskets is French for sports shoes) Only when the 2 pretty girls plead for me did he concede and say (in French), 'This is the first and last time. The next time I won't let her in.'
It was huge!!! 4 storeys (5 in our terms since in Europe they count the ground floor as 0)! However the dance floor was only on the ground floor and the rest had tables and chairs for people to sit. (In the day, the place is a restaurant and in the night it is a club.)

Oh, forgot to write the name of the place... Barrio Latino, it's called. So naturally, the music was kinda latin-ish. :) Quite nice.

We didn't really dance. Just sat at a table on the 1st floor (2nd in our terms) and watched the dancing crowd and tried to talk to one another.

Went home at about 3 am when the discotheque started to close. The other 2 girls went on to another discotheque in Champs Elysees. So energetic!!!

Think I slept around 4 am after showering and getting my hair to dry.

Naturally woke up very late (like noon) on Sun. ;p Sun was great too! Went to Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie cos' it was Fete de la Science and the Science Centre was free! Spent the whole afternoon there and I felt like a kid again. Exploring Sciences. Brought back fond memories of primary school days. Reminded me of the basics. The reason I chose to do Science.

There were lots of children there but also a lot of adults. It was a really great Science centre. Needless to say, very very big. And also very well equipped with various interesting devices. There was even a playhouse for little children where they could pretend they are construction workers with helmets and bricks building houses and stuff like that. They were really cute to look at! ^_^ Wish there was something like that to play in when I was young...

A really well-spent weekend, I would say. :) Am glad it was. Since time here is running out on me...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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