Thursday, October 20, 2005

Je fais de toi mon essentiel

My 2nd last day at work.

Colleagues came to tell me yesterday to come earlier today. I knew why, cos' they've done it for the other 'Singaporean' colleagues before me. A farewell breakfast. What surprised me was that they also told me they had something in mind to get for me, have been thinking about it for a week already but they didn't know if I would like it. So they decided to just ask me. So cute hor? :) They want to buy me a ticket to a musical 'Le Roi Soleil', which is about Louis XIV, the most powerful king in the history of French Monarchy. There was a French song I liked very much by a group called 'Le Roi Soleil' and I didn't know it was the same group (or troupe as they say in French) that is doing the musical. They knew of the song I liked and so the reason for thinking of buying me a ticket. So very sweet and thoughtful of them! I told them I would love it and as long as they don't spend too much for it. My colleague, Eric smiled and said (in French), ca c'est pas ton probleme.

We had a nice breakfast of pain au chocolat, brioche au chocolat and pain au raisins plus juices, tea and coffee. I felt really sad though. I didn't feel so sad before today. The petit dejeuner just drove home the fact that tomorrow's my last day and I may never see my colleagues again. Sighz... All good things must come to an end. Is that it? :'(

They gave me a card, signed by everyone in the building (Except my supervisor. Said he would give me a post-it to stick in my card. Ha! His trademark! :D Everything on post-its!). And in the envelope, there was a ticket to the musical. And a CD by Le Roi Soleil. With all the songs in the musical. They told me to listen carefully to the cd before I go for the musical so I could better understand.

2 of my female colleagues are going with me for the musical. :)

I am so gonna miss them!!! Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!

Not looking forward to tomorrow.

But since I will not be leaving Paris immediately, I would come back to see them again before I go. And make a cake and some finger food for them when I come back.
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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