Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Just had a long long coffee break... ^_^

Am so going to miss working here after I go home... The French can be quite so relaxed when bosses are not around. heehee.

I just had the longest coffee break! :) Went for lunch with my French colleagues as usual and since it was a beautiful day -blue blue sky (I can't even begin to describe the blueness of this blue! Hardly a trace of clouds! Ciel and more ciel!), nice warm sunshine- one of the ladies, Marie Helene, suggested we take coffee in the little garden just behind our labs which I didn't even know existed! It's a nice, almost-hidden-from-view little corner with a couple of benches and trees all around.

They talked, I listened (and tried to understand), as always. My French is improving after working closer with them and lunching with them. :) They are very patient with me if I ask them what is this word or that phrase or just whatever they are talking about. And they try to find their words in English (not easy for them a lot of times) to explain. Tres tres gentil (very very nice) of them!

In Spring, outside our building, there were trees laden with beautiful apple blossoms which have become apples now. The branches are burdened with little apples. Petit red green apples litter the area around those trees. Marie Helene asked a male colleague of ours, Eric, who very often talks about recipes and cooking during lunch (he loves to cook) if he knows how to make a tarte aux pommes/ gateau de pommes. I wasn't sure what he replied. But I thought, since they are so very nice to me, I could make one for the lab! :) I had made one earlier for a friend's birthday (as there's a nice big oven in my apartment here) and it was quite successful, I think, (well, they did say it tasted good.) albeit the not-so-nice exterior. hee. But I'm sure it will be better la deuxieme fois.

Normally, the apples would be ripe only in September but cos' there are so many fallen apples, Marie Helene said we could check if they are good yet. We picked a few of the fallen ones and tried one. I thought it was ok but she thought it was not good yet. So we wait. I wanna bake! :)

I mentioned to them that today's Singapore's National Day and they joked that we could close the labs and have the rest of the day off on account of that. :p

As you might have noticed, I am not very motivated to work today (not that much work that I've been asked to do -boss not back from vacation yet-, though if I had been really motivated to work, I could find quite a lot of stuff to do).

Can actually write 2 posts in 1 day! Incroyable! ;p
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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