Friday, June 17, 2005

Today's Friday and I don't feel like working...

Arghh!!! am in an absolute bumming mode today...

Just had a telephone interview with ES cells International (in Singapore) in the morning, which 2 of my colleagues also had. Sighz... doubt I have much of a chance, since they are going back in July and I'm staying here till end Oct/early Nov.

But my interview went ok, I think. It was funny the way it started -- 'Miss Huang?' the guy asked. 'Oui!' I replied... I started apologizing while they (there were 2 guys who were present) burst out laughing... And I think amidst their laughter, I heard the guy say, 'Nous pouvons parle francais?' (which means, we can speak French?) So I suppose I took some of the tension out of that 'teleconference' (as they called it), though I still felt a little nervous. And since they called while I was trypsinizing my cells in the culture hood, my colleague had to help me take off my lab coat and gloves so I could take the call. Funny... :)

Their first question was, 'So, why don't we start by you telling us what you know about our company?' I thought, 'Yesssssss! I just looked at their website again this morning!' But oh boy, like how it often happens to me in exams, stuff that I read just before the exam and when the exact questions appear in the paper, I just don't remember... O_o I racked my brain hard for that tiny thread of memory I hoped was just stuck somewhere. I gave an answer about the company's main functions along with some statistics I vaguely remember from the website. And then, the guy said I don't have to go into details about the statistics, they just needed to know if I knew what the company was about in general. Man, he could have said that earlier!

So, the interview went on with the usual questions. They mentioned they spoke to my colleagues and I asked if I was the last of them on the interview slots. The guy replied while laughing, ' I'm not in a position to tell you that.' After which, 2 seconds later, he said 'Well, yes'. Jeehz... I wonder if being the last was a bad sign...

The interview ended with him asking if I had any further questions for them. I couldn't think of any so I said exactly that. And they said they would contact me in the next week.
Anyhow, I was really relieved after I was done with the interview. Looked at my phone and saw that it lasted almost 18 minutes. Felt like eternity to me though. Then realised that I forgot to tell them some stuff one of my French colleagues told me I could say during the interview. Gargh!

I just kinda slacked the whole of the day. Am glad am not too busy today. :)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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