Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Feeling stupid...

Was bored today at work... din haf much on my hands today and thus did some blog surfing of friends on Zan's blog... They all have nice looking blogs, unlike my old and boring one... hence I decided to do something about mine... change the skin. And so I went about looking for something I like on blogskins... found some. Also found myself asking how I should go about putting tat skin I like onto my blog... I know I should have to download the codes and then use tat on my templates... but try as I might, I couldn't get it to work right... First the pictures dun show... then when I solved tat, the links dun work... etceterra etceterra... Started feeling really stupid... asked Zan for help...

Then a colleague (I'm supposed to be working rem?) asked me if I left the centrifuge machine on and I realised I forgot to put the blood in to centrifuge which I was supposed to do a couple of hours ago. And which I forgot all about while I was trying so hard to figure out how to make my blog look nice...

Jeehz... And the serum was to be used for proteomics... man... I hope I dun screw up the results because of tis... Now I feel so stupid (for having spent, no, wasted so much time on TRYING to change my blogskin and then NOT being able to get it to work) and guilty (for using office hours to do stuff like tat AND forgetting my work) Gosh... should slap myself for tat...
Am going to go now... staying in the office longer is only gonna make me feel worse... maybe some guilt food will help... :)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Michael said...

No need fret so much..... If have no time. Wait til you are back home ..... .SG.. then play with it. Blogger will always be around.... hehehehhe

don have too much junk food orh.. Take care ya!

myztika said...


aiyah, not stupid la... i always do silly mistakes in lab also, n waste time like siao... so no need to feel guilty... hee

but if u cant wait to have a new layout, gimme ur username n password n ill help you lah, im so free nowadays. then when u come back, i can teach u so u can do urself....

Michael said...

ya i think so too.. since she so expert liew... hehehhe