Thursday, February 24, 2005

Am dreaming of a white world...

Hafn't been able to update for a while. As usual been too busy at work. Just yesterday I sewed up the knees of 60 rats after my supervisor performed menisectomy on them. It was soooo tiring... cos' it was non-stop work at the surgical table (bwahaha... ^_^ sound so pro...) for a whole morning. But wat I did was nothing compared to wat my supervisor did cos' he had to do the actual operation. I was jus kinda like an assistant.

Ok, now back to the main point of today's entry: This morning when I woke up and looked outside, everything was coated white! It was BEAUtiful! The snow was heavier this time and it probably started in the night thus was able to accumulate on the ground, the trees, rooftops and the cars...

I remembered when I first came to Paris in Nov, my french colleagues told me, to my disappointment, that it seldom snows in Paris. So, I wasn't expecting to see a white white world today... It's amazing... and I feel lucky... :)

Just after lunch, as we were all going for coffee in the café, I picked up some snow just to feel it in my hands, when 'phush!' came a snowball flying at me. One of my bosses had thrown a snowball at me! I packed the snow in my hands and threw it at him. Back and forth went a couple of snowballs between us and I won!!! :) It was really fun! I've always thought he was a pretty serious and seldom person, never thought he'd play such pranks on people... :) Speaking of this boss... He has a very good sense of dressing for a guy his age (he's 37) and pretty cute (except for the thinning hair and the fact tat he's married. Haha.. dun be mistaken, I'm not interested in him, just tot of mentioning him cos he lost to me in a snowball fight. Bwahahaha!). And he speaks English pretty well... But then again, maybe it's cos' he's not French. He's Lebanese. He's a nice man. Am lucky he's one of my bosses here. But he's not my direct boss...

My direct supervisor is nothing like tat... Sighz... Gotta run... work's calling...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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