Tuesday, March 01, 2005

About nothing in particular...

Just read Zan's blog (I know I've said tis before, I really like her style of writing! haha... very interesting and funny... :) Zan, in the future if u don't wanna do research, do consider writing! I'll buy your books! ^_^)...

Seems like Singapore's undergoing a heat wave... Geehz... I wouldn't wanna be back now... Think the weather's going bonkers... For the past few days it's been quite cold in Paris. Was snowing quite a bit on Sat and yesterday. Like I said before, it's not the norm here. Niway I was very happy when it was snowing and my friend whom I met on Sat was not as excited about the snow as I was but at the same time he was very amused by my 'childlike' adoration of the snow. hahaha... Dun puke! :p ok, maybe childish would sound better... :)

Was just wondering about the hot vs cold question, i.e. if you had a choice, would you rather be hot or cold? (no 'in-between' or 'just right' answers ok?) Personally I wish I'm a hot babe. ahem... sorry... I mean I think I prefer being cold more than hot. Cos' when I'm hot I get very irritable... (my close friends probably noticed tat... ^_^) and I sweat like a pig... (so the smell's definitely not pleasant... O_o ewwww...) How lucky those girls are who dun sweat! Am resolved to do research on them someday! :)

Speaking of research... I've gotta go do calculations for my dosing! Arghhh...!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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myztika said...

haha.... ok, i know I'd have at least ONE reader... hohohohoho

wah... id be just as "childlike" as u if i see snow... sounds so fun!

weather here is giving my skin problems i tot long gone... :(

nyways, miss ya babe, n take care! rem to haf fun! :)