Thursday, January 27, 2005

Chocolate-coated Belgium men!

'So enjoy urself there and hopefully eat some gorgeous belgian men... oops! I mean chocolate!!' a colleague said this to me and my 2 colleagues when he knew we was goin to Belgium for the New Year hols. So one of the girls asked if she could haf both. So he said, 'how about chocolate-coated Belgian men?' hahaha...

Ive been wanting to write about my trip to Belgium ever since I came back but hafnt had the time to. Am not too busy at work today so shall try to write, IF I can still remember wat I wanted to write about in the first place... -_-

Well, the first thing tat happened to me when we reached the hostel in Brussels was I was almost pickpocketed! Almost, because I realised in time wat the b*stard was trying to do and foiled his attempt! Phew!!! Else I don't know how I would be able to survive for the trip...

Oh ya, did I ever mention tat the French are quite small in stature? The guys are mostly about my height or shorter and they are usually quite skinny. Occasionally one can come across a few tall guys but not many. The girls are also not very tall, mostly shorter than me. So, I don't get to feel petit and cute like when I was in America. I was quite surprised cos' aren't Europeans supposed to be bigger than Asians? Well, guess the French are the smaller Europeans. (And, the guys are not as cute as I had imagined them to be, though there was this one time *must say this in a bimbotic slang, keke*, I saw a REALLY REALLY cute guy - tall and rugged-looking on the RER and it's just so bad he's not a Parisian! Oh, and I know tat cos' I spoke to him a little when he asked if I wanted to sit down on the seat beside him where he put his big backpack, so chivalrous right? heehee... I said no, thank you. *damn, I should have said yes... :p* Then after much hesitation, I asked if he was on holiday. And he said he's French. Boy was I surprised! But he's not from Paris *sad* Then I got off soon after.) hmmm... I'm ten thousand miles away from my original topic... I should return...

So, my point of this whole paragraph is, there were many cute and tall guys in Belgium and many tall and pretty girls! Generally the people there are taller and bigger than the French, I think. But then again, it could be tat most of them are tourists from other parts of Europe. Or if not then I think chocolates are good for growth! There are sooooo many chocolate shops around!!! *happy!* I tried a few pieces here and there and they were all wickedly delicioussssss! Wish my girlfrens were with me, then we could go on a chocolate spree! ^_^

Of the 3 towns I went to, Brussels, Antwerp and Bruges, I liked Bruges the best cos' it's a really pretty little town. It was kinda romantic walking along a beautiful canal near the Church of our Lady ('cept I was with 2 other ladies... O_o).

Antwerp, the famed diamond town! *bling bling* We went to the diamond museum. It was quite interesting learning abt the history of diamonds and the process of getting a diamond ready for sale etcetera... but one gets kinda tired listening to the audio guide after the 1st floor... After all, we were there to see the jewelleries, not haf a history lesson! :) There was this funny tiny sculpture in the shape of a penis with a diamond and the label said 'sexy boy' or something like tat, I dun remember exactly...

Lace is another thing tat Belgium is known for. It's really pretty especially the handmade ones. Though hardly as exciting to me as chocolates and diamonds... haha... :p

Belgian waffles are fantastic!!! Chocolate fudge, strawberries, bananas & cream... dozens of toppings to choose from, I was so spoiled for choice... and there were so many shops claiming to be haf the 'best Belgian waffles'! And then there are the fries... There were many stalls just specialising in fries! Thick, juicy fries! (unlike the ones from Mac') With different sauces (mayo, tartar, and wat nots...) you could pick as dips for your fries. ('cept of cos chilli sauce... dun think the Europeans take chilli sauce)

And cos' of the season, they had the Xmas night markets (much like our pasar malams) where they sell lots of local delights - Bratwurst (too bad I din try it -_-), candied apples (different flavours!), hot mulled wine (so nice when it's cold outside!), escagots (man, it was good!), oysters (fresh!), some stewed mushrooms and of cos', not to forget, the ever important, fries, and there were some delicious looking round donut-like stuff which sadly I din try...

Certainly one has to haf mussels in Brussels! Which, they serve with fries... (I wonder why I'm not surprised... :p)

Well, tat abt sums up my Belgium entry... I've got so much more stuff to say tat'll hafta wait till another day. Haf been so super duper busy at work and then after work, there's French class... I dun haf time to write... hopefully, I'll be able to steal some time tomorrow to write...
So, later! Ciao!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Anonymous said...

hey girl... thanks thanks!! i miss ya lots too!!! come back quick!!! :) wahhhh... it sounds really funnnn... im so jealous :P
alrite, u take care babe! - norlizan

Michael said...

Wa seh.... 5+am.... where on earth did you get Internet connection...
But the Chocolate men sounds kinky! Is the chocolate Gals???? don mind trying out !! woot... Better take care don get tired out. Craving for prata or any other home food? List it out. Maybe can AIRMAIL it over... woot..... Well think chocolate for you beats anything else [they chocolate is the best substitute for SEX (-_-''') ]..... Get drowned in your own indulgence ..... hahahah