Thursday, January 13, 2005

Yum... Juicy Gossip!

Hafnt been able to write at all since my supervisor came back from his holidays. He's been giving me very, very trivial things to do jus to keep me away from my computer. Am stealing some time to write tis entry before lunchtime today.

So, now for the *squish squish* juicy part... Some of my frens might haf heard about the BITCH (one of the PHD holders) who, last fri, sent a very mean email targeted at me about a small inconsequential matter, to me and a few of my colleagues. She pissed me off so bad I din haf any appetite at lunch tat day. I replied her email in a not-very-nice tone but of cos' I din manage to be as bitchy as her, considering how good she is at it...

Well, yesterday she said something evil tat pissed me off again. As most of you might know, I've been having some problems with administrative matters like gettin my carte de sejour, a bank account etcetera... After me and my housemate went to the bank for the dunno-how-many time, and still couldn't get a bank aaccount, she said (in Mandarin), 'I think you guys were not meant to be here in the furst place. Just look at all the trouble you've had even before you came, problems with visa, then after getting here, finding apartment, the carte, bank account...' (She has had no problems with her visa, bank account and the carte.) I felt like giving her a slap right there and then! It was a good thing my housemate said (also in Mandarin), 'Maybe you've had it easy at first and we've had it difficult but after tis we will probably have it good and you...' For the first time, I felt he said something meaningful. And then she said, 'choi!' (it means touchwood in Cantonese) Tis bitch should get a taste of her own medicine! If one day she pushes me too far... *sinister music*

Well, the best part is yet to come... So, last night we had a company dinner and dance (to celebrate the New Year. God knows why they put it on a weekday!!!) The dinner was not too bad (lots of alcohol, but knowing myself, I din drink much, thus was sober throughout) and the dance was pretty fun. Almost everyone danced, even the high-ranked guys (and quite old too... ^_^)

Towards the later part of the dance, the bitch was sittin at the bar with a French colleague of ours and was smoochin with him for quite a long time. Tat wouldn't haf attracted my attention except tat the French colleague is married already and she is engaged (she has tis huge, and i mean HUGE diamond ring tat she shows off) to a doctor in Singapore. So, see wat a bitch she is? Afterwards, when I was walkin her and another female colleague home (cos' they were both wasted) and she kept sayin she was very embarrassed and sorry about wat happened lah, she has never done tis kinda thing before lah, she din noe wat she was doin lah... My ass!!! She's not 18, she's almost 30 years old, dun tell me she doesn't know her limit? Anywayz it's none of my business, I jus needed to rant about wat a bitch she is.

Gotta run before my supervisor catches me on my com!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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