Friday, December 24, 2004


Seems like I've only been whining about my work in the previous entries... (though it is still quite a pain, sometimes, but am getting better at things.) Realised I never mentioned how lucky I felt (before I came... well, maybe now too...) that I got the opportunity to come out here to learn and live in a new environment on my own. I've been reminded by my supervisor and colleagues dozens of times how lucky I am to have gotten this job. Cos' I'm the only one in tis training programme (there are 9 of us) who does not have any work experiences in a lab (there's another guy who's a fresh grad too but he's a Masters' so he's much better!). And I just heard yesterday that one of my colleagues (an Indonesian girl who got her degree in Perth then came to Singapore to work) has a 1st-class! Wow... couldn't tell... hmm... but sometimes, I do wonder if it's true wat people say, tat it's easier to get a 1st-class in foreign universities. heh... There are 2 other girls who only haf a bachelor's but they are a year before me and haf been working as research assistants before. And the other 4 are PHD holders... Ugh... I feel very stupid sometimes... O_o

But I've learnt to be more independent.For example, I could find my way around places on my own with a map... Ooh... Could never read a map properly in the past... or mayb cos' I just relied on my frens to find the place... heh... And I've gotta cook my own food and keep the house in order - my housemate just doesn't care! Appreciating now, how lucky I was to haf my mum cook and do most of the housework for me in Singapore. ^_^ It's still not easy gettin used to not havin my close frens to share stuff with... So tis is my only outlet...

Realised it takes being away from the things I've gotten used to to appreciate them in my life. My family & frens of cos, and my country too. Now I understand why people always say Singapore is very clean. I din used to think so. To me: 'it's not very clean wat, just normal lor...' Well, I've gotta admit, most other countries I've been to are not as clean as Singapore, such as Malaysia, America, China etc. But by far, Paris is THE worst! The streets are usually full of spit and dog poo! Eww! So one has to be careful where one steps...

Haha... so, tat's a lot of thought for 1 day... :) Could spend time writin these past few days cos' my supervisor is on leave. Yeah!!! So am eating a bit of snake before he comes back. *Big Grin*
The horrible thing is I've gotta come back to the lab to do injections tomorrow (Xmas Eve), Xmas and the day after tat (Sun). Sighz... But well, I don't haf much to do tis holiday too... Probably will go to the suburbs with 2 of my colleagues (the Malaysian girl & the Indonesian girl). Am looking forward to the New Year holidays though, cos the 3 of us will be goin to Belgium to visit Brussels, Bruges & Antwerp. Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year to my frens!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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