Tuesday, December 28, 2004

City of Old

Was walkin along river Seine on Xmas day and was awed by the innumberable old and gorgeous buildings there are in Paris. So much so that everywhere I go, I see buildings and places I want a photograph of. So different from Singapore, where everything is quite new and modern. I guess if one looks hard enuff, there are some places in Singapore that are old and pretty. Guess it's just cos' it's the country I spent twenty odd years in so things just don't appeal to me tat much.

Talkin about takin pictures, I went to Versailles (a town in the suburbs of Paris) with 2 of my colleagues on Xmas Eve and it was a quaint (in a nice way) place. We visited an old palace, now a museum and I took so many pictures until the batteries in my camera went flat. I was quite sad cos' there were still quite a lot of things I wanted capture (almost wrote 'on film' but realised it doesn't apply to my camera). I'll probably go back there again sometime. Saw a nice painting of the crowning of Josephine by Napoleon. And many many other nice paintings whose names I'm not sure of.

Well, so Xmas Eve was kinda nice. I say kinda even though I liked Versailles quite a bit cos' the company I had weren't exactly great. They were colleagues (FULLSTOP). Not really people I click with. Sometimes when I'm at certain places, I'd wish my frens were with me to admire and do the 'ooh-aah...' together. Frens who enjoy the same things as I do. Arghhhh!!! Seems like in every entry I'm talkin abt missing my frens... Guess I can't haf the best of both worlds- be in a fasinating city like Paris and haf my frens with me too. I noe, I noe, I shouldn't be greedy... but surely one can grumble??? keke...

I do haf a couple of colleagues who's ok with me here. But they haf toured many places in Europe already (since they haf been here 8 months before me). As I'm writin, one of them is touring Rome... *envious* O_o

Gotta go back to my Scan-Co... (X-ray machine for scanning bones) Later!
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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