Wednesday, December 01, 2004


So far, Paris has not been good to me... There have been tons of problems, even before we got here (what with the continual delay in our visas etc...) and even more so now. Probably the only good thing happening to me is that I'm losing weight. Not been having a good appetite cos' probably still acclimatising to the weather and surroundings.

Just went to the Card de Sejour (where we get our visas extended cos' our current visas are only valid for 3 months) place this morning. My colleagues and I were there at 8.20 and had to wait till 9 for them to open when they were actually supposed to open at 8.35. They were happily chatting and drinking coffee while we, and some others waited outside. This is the French's style of working... and I hate it! They take eons to get things done and they don't care, so long as they get their $. When we finally got in, they told us that we couldn't make an appointment cos our visas say scientifique and not étudiant (student) and now we have to go to another place tomorrow and see if we could get an appointment, wait for that appointment date to arrive and go there and wait somemore.

well, and im still looking hard for an apartment...

Tell you a weird thing in Paris... all their lifts, besides being VERY VERY tiny (usually can only fit 1 or 2 persons at any one time), there's no button to close the lift door... tat means one has to wait until the lift door closes on its own... this would never work in Singapore... everyone can't wait for the lift door to close and MOVE...

well, i gotta go move my luggage from the hostel and shift to my colleagues' apartment till i find a place... sighz...
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Michael said...

hi dear, looks like nothing is being good or fair when u are alone fighting the war. Well there is where you learn stuff. Keep the spirit on high grounds. Pray hard. Pray aloud. God will be with you always.
Hope your search for new apartment will be fruitful one. God bless you and miss you. (",)