Thursday, December 02, 2004

Fear Factor!

Had to learn how to take blood from rats on Tues. It was very difficult to make myself do it. Cos' guess how we take blood from rats??? From their eyes!!! A long thin glass pipette is poked into the corner of the one of the eyes of the anaesthesized rat and you turn the pipette until you feel a tiny bone break, thus, breaking the blood vessels around it. Blood is then sucked up thru' the pipette. One of my colleagues, a chinaman with a PHD (read: permanent head damage), kept one of the rats in the gas chamber for too long and killed it. My supervisor and senior assured me that rats are very hardly animals and they will recover. Well, I couldn't imagine anyone, anyone, poking a glass pipette into my eye... 2 drops of tears escaped my eye in the animal holding lab that day as I watched my colleagues bleed the rats. Some of the rats didn't stop bleeding until after quite a while. It hurts to see them like that. But no matter how uncomfortable I was with the procedure, I had to do it. So, I decided to try to do it as fast and as well as I can so that they wouldn't continue bleeding even after the procedure. And I managed to do it after a few tries.

Yesterday (Wed), my supervisor showed us how to do a menisectomy (a leg surgery where the meniscus in the knee joint is cut) on rats. I haven't tried it yet but am feeling a little stressed at the prospect of doing it. Am afraid I won't be able to do it properly and will cause the rat to hurt very much afterwards. Am also afraid that I don't cut the correct thing in the joint (it's not easy to find the meniscus when there's blood oozing out and lots of muscle covering the joint) and thus screw up the experiment. Well, I guess I'll get better with practice... hopefully...

My supervisor also showed us how to castrate the rats (by removing the balls)... (guys-Ouch!) I haven't done it yet. Maybe today. When I master this technique... guys, ya'all better don't offend me! *evil laughter* :p

Hmm... suddenly feel like my blog is turning into some sort of Fear Factor diary...
I think after all these, there's nothing much else that can make me squirm...

Will be going to view 2 apartments today after work, so wish me luck! :)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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myztika said...

man, u sound stressed. those procedures sound so gory man... were u aware u had to do all these stuff before you set off?
anyway, i wish u more luck finding that apartment!! don't focus on the bad things... see the good side of things! u're experiencing a whole new set of culture, beliefs, customs, food etc! dun stress it babe! Be happy & take it easy! :)
btw, i'm soooooooo gonna kill you once u land in singapore cos u never told me when u were going off~ *sniff* OK, i should have asked too, hehe. But tell me when u coming back ok, so I can meet u k? mail me or something...
keep the spirits up & take care babe!

Michael said...

Hi dear,
Its sounded so gross. Thought you do not have to go thru this kind of "live" experiment. Well its an eye opener anyway. Literally.. OMG... did I heard balls? That gotta hurt!!!!! Ohhhhhh... rather leave them as it is i guess. Good luck on you quest for new apartment. Wll be praying for you always.

Thy quote:" thought i maybe forgetful in all things, i never 1 sec forget thinking you"...... sweet hor...