Wednesday, December 08, 2004

All in a day's work

Remember I talked about decapitation a while ago? That time I only had to observe, not do... Today I had to kill a rat to 'graduate', so my supervisor says... so I did... It was a mess cos I din chop the head off fast enuff... the blood spattered a bit... and the legs continue kicking after the head is chopped off (a nervous system response)... seemed like something out of CSI... Also had to cut the heads of quite a few mice today... I din do some of them very well and the blood din come out readily... well... I've gotta practise, they say... The good thing is that I probably wouldn't haf to kill any more rats cos my supervisor says, traditionally that's a men's job. Phew... But... I'd still hafta kill mice...

Some good news... I found a nearly perfect apartment!!! :) I moved in last Sun and am quite settled in now... It's a beautiful apartment, newly refurnished, with an antique and country style which I love! And the shower! OMG... It feels like I'm using a hotel's shower... there is 1 big shower head attached to the bathroom wall and then there are 6 nozzles below that and beside the big shower head attached to the wall, there's another big shower head which can be removed from the holder. It makes bathing my favourite activity of the day! :) The only not-very-perfect thing about it is that I dun haf a great flatmate... My flatmate's the China guy I mentioned a few times before. He's an ok guy, just not very clean and not of my wavelength and very nerdy... Wish I'm staying with someone I could talk to... But well, nothing's perfect... The other thing is that the apartment is just beyond the borders of the City of Paris, so it's considered the surburbs. But that's not very important cos the metro is a very convenient if I need to go to the city.

Well, I gotta go... it's 5pm now and everybody's gone home... The french go off work very on time, you see (actually they go off earlier than 5... about 430)... and that's probably the only time they are early... :)
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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