Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Have moved! Last Sat.
Had a whole lot of stuff that I couldn't fit into my lugguages and were stuffed into plastic bags. Hope I won't have as much when I go back home. Mostly are foodstuff that my mum sent me through people who came to visit. She was worried I would starve if she didn't send me food. Hee. So sweet of her, hor? ^_^
The first few days I couldn't sleep very well and ended up with a terrible headache on Mon which rendered me unable to come to work so I stayed home and slept. But it's better now. Am now getting accustomed to the new place. (Though the climbing up and down of 6 flights of stairs still needs some getting used to. O_o)
The new place's much smaller than my last one, and less equipped, but after cleaning it up and adding my personal touches around, it's really quite good. It's also much cheaper and I don't have to share with a disgusting housemate (the most important point)!!! Another good thing about it is that the location's really good! Near the heart of Paris. A pretty and busy area, with shops and restaurants on every single street and corner. Too bad I've only got a short time left to live in this place.
I like that I could just take one metro line straight to work and not have to take 3 lines (change twice) like I used to. :)

Used-to-be-nice landlady (remember an earlier entry?) suddenly turned all witchy/bitchy the Friday night before I moved and also on Sat morning when I left. Really amazing, how one could just change like that... Guess money really does motivate people! (My logic being that since I am leaving and would no longer be her client, she thus reverts to her true self.) I never did anything to her or to the apartment but she was just incredibly rude and horrible!!! Landlord stood around silently while she did her 'stuff'. I sure was glad to get out of there!

Spent the whole of that Sat cleaning up the new place and unpacking. Dead tired at the end of the day so did nothing else. Had lunch with a couple of friends in their apartment on Sun. The wife made very nice crepes for dessert! I put Nutella on mine!!! Yummy!!! =D Will get recipe from her so I can make my own when I go home! Their place was very nicely furnished and cozy.

Oh ya, about that arts fest I mentioned before, it wasn't an arts fest, I was mistaken. I went there on Sun evening after church and found out it was a Fete des Vendanges de Monmartre where there were many different stalls selling food specialties of different regions in France. It was a little like our pasar malam, only there are different stuff in every stall. It was so very very crowded, I didn't want to try to squeeze my way through so I just ended up looking at a couple of stalls quickly. The evening was beautiful and since the place was at the top of a hill, I stood around with very dear friend for a bit. A cresent moon was hanging in the sky which was a light baby blue with bands of pink, orange coloured by the setting sun, and the 'picture' was perfect. Again one of those many times I wish I had brought my camera. :( Blame it on my laziness to carry a bag!

So, that was my last weekend. Am eagerly awaiting the arrival of this weekend! Nothing planned, only that I don't want to have to drag my lazy ass out of bed to go to work! Ha! ;p
About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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