Friday, January 23, 2009

You know what???

It's finished!!! Finalement!!! I thought it'd never end...

Guess what?? I got another 'E', another exam (Neurochemistry) where I'm at the bottom of the list. But right now I don't care. Haha. It's all over, at least for the next 10 weeks (where I will be in the lab). At this very moment, I feel relieved and will revel in that for a bit. (Oh ya, at the back of my mind, there's another exam, Neurophysiology, which was tough and I am worried I will fail that...)

I can't help feeling stupid (guess that will never go away). I think I'm learning to accept that, as a fact, something that will not change. That's me. Was speaking to 2 of my classmates (from the other program) after our exam who were sweet, trying to console me with stuff like Einstein not doing well in school, Bill Gates was a drop-out and so on. These are extraordinary people. And I am just a normal (or sub-normal?? ha) person trying to find out if she'll ever be good at anything. When I start thinking about my life, I start to worry... So for now I will leave it.

Tonight there's a dinner with my classmates at the house of a very humorous instructor who taught us 'Scientific writing' (his girlfriend will cook for us). In a way I do not really want to see my classmates again so soon (they remind me of school... argh... and I feel very inferior) but it should be ok so long as they don't discuss the exams.

I miss home. It's Chinese New Year on Mon. I have been invited for dinner with my Chinese and Taiwanese friends tomorrow and I am looking forward to celebrating it with them. My sis said she'd call me on MSN on Sunday so I can see the scrumptious spread of food my mum has prepared for reunion dinner. (You're mean, San!) That aside, I would be happy to talk to my parents and sis.

I should leave this on a good note. Happy Ox Year!! :)

About Ping

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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Anonymous said...


Enjoy your break! You will catch up soon!
Don't worry and don't doubt yourself!
